Eureka! Test your knowledge

by time news

2023-07-15 09:00:00

A quiz for “Friends” fans; how to chill a bottle in five minutes; Are mosquitoes attracted to sweet skins?… It’s up to you!

By Louise Cuneo Eureka! Test your knowledge Published on 07/15/2023 at 09:00

Quizzes | TV series | Friends

What is Chandler’s middle name?

A. Francis

B. Eustace

C. Muriel

What book does Joey put in the freezer in Season 3?

A. The Four Daughters of Doctor March (Little Women), de Louisa May Alcott

B. The Shining, de Stephen King

C. The Velveteen Rabbit, by Sarah Massini

Of the 1,031 times the expression “Oh my god!” was spoken in full in the ten seasons of the series, how many were spoken by Janice?

A.11 times

b.57 times

c.104 times

100 000

This is the average number of beats our heart makes each day.

Good for the brain

crazy story

You are a journalist and your editor sends you to do a story in a psychiatric hospital. When you arrive, you are faced with a serious problem: there is nothing to distinguish the doctors from the patients. In addition, patients systematically lie to all the questions they are asked, while doctors always tell the truth. Looking for a doctor, you approach a group of 3 people, A, B and C, who tell you: A: “None of us are doctors. B: “I’m a doctor. C: “At least two of us are sick. »

Who is the doctor?

logic game

Can you connect these 16 dots with 6 straight lines drawn without lifting the pencil from the paper?

Received idea

Are mosquitoes attracted to light or sweet skin?

We had a presentiment of it: since we get bitten at night, while we sleep in the dark, it is not the light that attracts these insects. Nor is it the supposed sweetness of the skin or the blood that is at stake. It is the CO2 that we exhale, as well as our body odor, that is in question. Because mosquitoes are actually attracted to three elements: sweat, and in particular the lactic acid it contains, heat and the CO2 you breathe out. It is therefore the fact of being overweight, eating spicy food, playing sports or drinking alcohol – these factors increase your body temperature or cause sweating – that make you a target of choice! It remains to be seen whether you agree to change your diet to avoid bites. Blood type would also play a role: several studies have shown that mosquitoes land twice as much on the arms of blood groups O as on those of types A, B and AB. But, on this point, it is difficult to change the situation.

Did you know ?

The Netherlands and Holland are not the same thing!

The two are often confused, thinking that they define the same geographical area. A bit like some do with the United Kingdom and England… Holland is a region of the Netherlands. North Holland and South Holland are two separate provinces, located in the west of the Netherlands, near the North Sea.


French language

What is the correct turn?

A. We agreed to meet

B. We agreed to meet

C. We had agreed to meet

D. We had agreed to meet

How to chill a bottle in five minutes?

Friends arrive unexpectedly, and you have nothing refreshing to offer them? Wet a towel and wrap it around your bottle before placing everything in the freezer: the water in the towel will cool very quickly, and so will the bottle. In just five minutes, the drink will be ready to enjoy! Another technique for those who don’t have a freezer or a towel handy: place the bottle in a bucket filled with water, ice cubes and a little coarse salt. The result is guaranteed, because the addition of salt causes the temperature to drop. In fact, salt needs energy to dissolve in water: it will therefore “absorb” energy, ie the heat contained in its environment, and cause the whole thing to cool.


Quiz – TV Series

C. (Francis is Joey’s middle name, and Eustace is Ross’ middle name.)

B. The Four Girls… is the book Joey reads on Rachel’s advice. The Velvet Bunny is the one Joey gives to Kathy on Chandler’s advice.

A. 11 times (Rachel holds the record, with 264 “Oh my god!” spoken entirely).

logic game

Quiz – French language

C. “We had agreed to see each other”. The correct form consists with the auxiliary be. Note: the use of the auxiliary avoir is now allowed in this case, but it must be used when it means “to be appropriate; please” (“they have reached an agreement”). The auxiliary be is used in principle to mean “to admit, to agree with someone”.

Good for the brain

If A were a doctor, he would be telling the truth, so he is not. B may be telling the truth, but maybe not. On the other hand, C necessarily tells the truth, because if C were a patient, he would be lying and that would amount to admitting that there are at least two patients.

Photo12/7 e Art/Warner Bros Television – Shutterstock / CatalinT

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