Creative Ways to Use Instagram Stories for Businesses

by time news

2023-07-13 12:51:49

Instagram stories have stood out since their launch among the most peculiar tools of this social network, since they allow users to easily share all kinds of audiovisual content, such as images, photographs or videos, but with the particularity that these Posts will remain visible on the platform exclusively for 24 hours.

Thanks to their unique characteristics, and the fact that they are content with a fixed duration, these “Instagram Stories” have quickly gained enormous popularity and are one of the most powerful trends on the Internet. It is not surprising, therefore, that all types of users, brands and companies use the services of sites specialized in social growth, such as Buytoplikes or similar, with the aim of getting more interactions in their publications and thus standing out from the competition.

As far as digital marketing is concerned, Instagram stories also offer a huge number of opportunities to improve brand image, reach new customers or promote products and services. In short, they are a perfect functionality to do business and reach the target audience very effectively.

The data in this regard is compelling. According to different studies, 68% of people are more interested in a brand or a product after seeing them in Instagram Stories, and not only that, half of potential consumers say they have visited the website of that brand or business to buy a product or hire a service after meeting them thanks to an Instagram story. .

Using eye-catching, informative or attractive audiovisual content for the potential audience is only the first step to achieve success with each new Instagram story that is published on this social network. But along with this basic strategy, it is also convenient to know different ideas and creative ways that can be used to make these posts stand out from the rest.

Share exclusive content

People like to have the feeling that they are aware of the latest trends and news. A good idea for building a strong community on Instagram is to give followers a sneak peek of new products coming to market.

This method is also ideal for combining it with other strategies, such as offering discounts or informing about an upcoming event that the brand is going to launch. This way, followers will be the first to find out, something that they will appreciate with their loyalty and that they will probably want to share with other interested contacts who may also find it interesting.

To find out in detail how these publications work, the platform itself includes a powerful tool called Instagram Insightswith which to analyze these metrics and be able to better refine the effectiveness of the campaigns.

Advertise products differently

When a company launches a new product or service, it is common to upload official announcements or a more generic type of advertising to Instagram following established marketing campaigns.

However, a very original method that will undoubtedly attract the attention of potential customers is to take advantage of Instagram stories to share more detailed images of the production process until it reaches the final consumer. For example, post photos of how a specific product is manufactured or packaged, or add a funny image of the company’s workers.

This transmits a more human side of the company, helps customers to know better what they are going to buy and gives them greater confidence. It will also serve to improve the participation rate on the content, easily attracting comments and likes on the posts, as well as new followers on the IG profile.

Reuse User-Generated Content

There should be no qualms about asking followers to send their own photos or videos that are related to the brand, either enjoying the specific service that is offered or, for example, using a product.

This will make posts much more engaging by encouraging users to engage with the brand. Subsequently, the best submissions received can be shared on Instagram stories.

Similarly, another alternative is to run creative contests, as they are an almost sure way to attract viewers. A very popular contest might be asking followers to submit a slogan for a new product or service and offering a reward to the chosen one.

Surveys and questions to generate participation

Opinion surveys are one of the best ways to get direct feedback on products or services from consumers themselves, and thus learn real opinions. But it is not only a useful strategy to make the Instagram account more participatory, but it can also be used to make smarter marketing decisions later, such as what type of content to publish.

The possibilities for creating polls or asking questions to users through Stories are almost endless, and it’s quite easy to think of specific creative campaigns aimed at almost any type of customer or target demographic.

Use location stickers

Among the many interactive tools that Instagram offers, stickers are undoubtedly one of the most popular. To increase the visibility of Instagram stories, a good idea is to use location stickers, which will expand the potential reach of each post.

While these location tags can be useful for almost any business, they are particularly effective for local businesses, as customers will know the specific location and will be able to visit the physical business.

Lastly, the hashtags or tags are almost essential in any social network today, and are especially relevant in Instagram stories. They are used for other users to find posts related to a particular topic, or to learn about popular trends.

The platform allows you to add up to 10 different hashtags in Stories, so choosing the right hashtags in each IG story is essential for the publication to have a good reach. In addition to doing our own research to find out which tags are most suitable, the Insta app itself offers a little help, as when you start typing the appropriate tag, Instagram will suggest some popular hashtag ideas.

Media dedicated to business, startups, digital marketing and entrepreneurs. In it we will find information on current affairs, events, training and many other topics of interest.

#Creative #Ways #Instagram #Stories #Businesses

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