German Chancellor Scholz: In 2022, the fight against coronavirus awaits us again | News from Germany about Germany | Dw

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German Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz, in his New Year’s address to fellow citizens, which will be televised on the evening of December 31, calls the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic one of the most important tasks of the upcoming 2022. At the same time, he notes that the coming weeks will be marked by the fight against coronavirus. The head of the FRG government emphasizes the importance of vaccinations and booster vaccinations and calls for serious consideration of the anti-epidemic restrictions in force in the country, designed to slow the spread of infection.

On January 7, Scholz’s next meeting with the prime ministers of the federal states of Germany is scheduled, at which new measures to combat the pandemic will be discussed.

Trials of 2021

Speaking about the challenges that the German society faced in the past year, Olaf Scholz first of all recalls the large-scale flooding that happened in the west of the country in the summer. At the same time, he emphasizes not only its destructive consequences, but also the solidarity and readiness for mutual assistance, which was shown by the inhabitants of Germany during the liquidation of the consequences of the natural disaster. The ongoing coronavirus pandemic remains another major challenge for Germany.

On the challenges of the pandemic

Commenting on the claims of some German citizens that the pandemic has caused the society to be “split”, the head of the country’s government says: “It’s exactly the opposite! Our country is showing solidarity.”

“Of course, in everyday life we ​​have different opinions and assessments. First of all, with regard to the coronavirus … However, a strong society will withstand any contradictions – if we hear each other. And if we respect each other,” Scholz said.

About coronavirus vaccination

He recalled that more than 30 million vaccinations against coronavirus have been made in Germany since mid-November, and indicated that by the end of January 2022 it is planned to receive another 30 million vaccinations, “to be fully armed in the fight against the omicron.”

Talking about concerns about potential side effects of vaccines, Scholz notes that nearly 4 billion people worldwide have been vaccinated against the coronavirus today without any significant side effects. “And countless numbers of vaccinated people have become parents of healthy children,” the Chancellor emphasizes.

Scholz also expresses his gratitude to all employees in hospitals, sick and infirm care units, medical practices and vaccination centers, as well as police and military personnel who are contributing to the fight against the pandemic. “I thank you for what you are doing for our country, for all of us!” – says the text of the New Year’s address.

On climate protection and a green economy

The fight against climate change and the transition to renewable energy sources was an important topic of the German Chancellor’s speech. Germany is striving to achieve climate neutrality in less than 25 years, and the Chancellor called these plans “a task of a gigantic scale.” “We are investing huge amounts of money to solve this problem. In new power grids, electric car refueling stations, wind turbines, railway development and much more,” Scholz points out, recalling that these measures contribute to the creation of new jobs.

At the same time, he notes that no country can make progress alone in building a better world. This is what international cooperation is for. In January 2022, Germany will become the presidency of the Big Seven (G7), a group of seven countries with the most advanced economies in the world. During this period, according to Scholz, the German government is going to assign a key role to the topic of climate protection.

About the conflict around Ukraine

Touching upon the issue of the conflict over Ukraine, the head of the FRG government emphasizes: “Here we face new challenges.” “The inviolability of borders is extremely important, and this issue is not subject to discussion,” – said in the New Year’s address of the Federal Chancellor of Germany, which will go on air on the evening of December 31.

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