the consumer price index climbs again

by time news

2023-07-16 16:11:32


Posted 7 hours ago, Updated 2 hours ago

In June, inflation stood at 4.5%. monticellllo /

Despite the significant reduction in inflation in June, the cost of living is not yet following this trend.

The addition still climbs. Commentators, distributors and food manufacturers hope for a gradual reduction in the price of shopping baskets by the end of the year. But in reality, consumers continue to see their bills increase. According to the latest figures from INSEE, published this Sunday in Official Journall, the consumer price index stood at 117.65 in June. That is 0.21 point more than last May.

Proof if it were needed, that the gradual decline in inflation does not mean an immediate drop in prices on the shelves. In June, inflation stood at 4.5%. And so-called underlying inflation, which excludes the most volatile prices and those subject to state intervention, allowing a long-term trend to be identified, remains high at 5.7% over one year, but it is slowing slightly compared to May (5.8%).

Inflation is the rise in consumer prices. If from one month to another, inflation slows down, prices will still increase. Because if the multiplier is smaller, the final price will be higher.

Although the increase of a few hundredths of a point in the consumer price index between May and June 2023 does not mean a significant increase in the cost of living, the fact remains that the reduction in the bill promised by the food industry is not for now. For now, prices are stagnating on a high plateau.


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