Doctor loses license for broadcasting surgeries on TikTok

by time news

2023-07-17 01:05:55

In 1967, the first Internet connection in history was achieved by uniting Stanford University with the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA).
Only today it is estimated that 58% of the world population already uses social networks on a daily basis.
The plastic surgeon known as “Dr. Roxy ”made a serious mistake on TikTok and the consequence of it was that her medical license was withdrawn from her.

Social networks have become a means to interact with people from anywhere in the world. Their impact is increasing because the possibilities they offer are becoming more extensive. At the same time, its use implies a strong responsibility to avoid making mistakes such as the one committed by the influencer call Dr. Roxy on TikTok.

First internet connection in history

Although today the Internet is a tool used by billions of people on the planet, in reality it all started with a project. In 1958 about 200 scientists from the United States founded the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPA). The objective was to achieve the connection through the then new computers.

After years of work, it was not until 1967 that the goal was achieved. At that time, it was obtained first real-time connection between a person at Stanford University and another at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). With this we went from conventional telephones to the digital union.

Regarding the current scenario, the Report on digital consumption created by Hootsuite and We Are Social in 2022 demonstrates the power of the internet. It is estimated that currently 58% of the world population already uses social networks. But while some only use them as a form of entertainment, for others it is a form of work.

For its part, the alternatives of social networks are becoming more extensive. Although in the end there are some that are more popular than the rest and are the ones with the most registered users. From Meta to WhatsApp they are the ones that dominate the list.

Dr. Roxy creates controversy by broadcasting surgeries on TikTok

Now is the time to address a rather serious problem that has already had legal consequences. The protagonist of the story is the Wear. Katharine Roxanne Gravesalthough on social networks it is known simply as Dr. Roxy.

She is a plastic surgeon from the United States who has gained recognition thanks to her constant publications on the internet. Through this digital tool, she has managed to attract patients, although in the end she made a mistake that should be a lesson for others.

In the case of the Dr. Roxy used to broadcast some of his surgeries through TikTok. Its objective was to explain what each procedure consists of and answer some questions in real time.

The problem is that several complaints were made from his videos. In particular, some of the patients claimed that the service they received was not the best. The cause was because the surgeon neglected the surgeries to look at the camera and talk to the people who were connected in the transmissions.

From the end of 2022 the legal conflict began and finally today a resolution was reached. In accordance with USA Todaythe Ohio State Medical Board decided to withdraw the medical license of the Dr. Roxy for streaming surgeries on TikTok.

Beyond the consent or not of the patients, what the authorities affirm is that during the interventions he endangered the integrity of the patients by focusing on their social networks.

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