Defensive learning | Science Podcast

by time news

2017-01-02 10:13:02

Mice can learn to navigate in water mazes, containers filled with an opaque white liquid in which mice or rats are forced to swim until they find a hidden submerged platform. After several repetitions, the animals learn where the platform is and swim purposefully towards it. However, those trained mice that have had their T lymphocytes removed forget the learned ones.

T lymphocytes are the fundamental pillar of the immune system, other important cells are microglia, related to macrophages, which tirelessly patrol the nervous system in search of dead remains, plaques, useless synapses or damaged neurons to eliminate them. What roles do these immune cells play in the nervous system?

Various experiments show that both macrophages and T cells seem to play an important role, since learning and memory problems are generated in their absence.

All the studies show that, be that as it may, our nervous system is not independent of our immune system and that, in order to learn, remember and probably reason correctly, we need not only good neurons, but also good defenses.

More information on Jorge Laborda’s Blog: defensive learning

Referencia: Amanda B. Keener (2016). Immune System Maintains Brain Health. The Scientist. November 2016 Issue.

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