Ignacio Redondo, a lawyer of great weight in Caixabank

by time news

2023-07-16 16:48:54

If there was someone who was happy about the transfer of the CaixaBank headquarters from Barcelona to Valencia, it was Ignacio Redondo, head of the bank’s Legal Department. Although he was born in Granada in 1976, because his parents lived there at the time, he felt and defined himself as Valencian and was considered as such in the financial institution chaired by Jose Ignacio Goirigolzarri.

This State lawyer, originally from Granada, who died at the age of 47 due to a motorcycle accident on Saturday night in Formentera, was the highest-ranking Valencian in the CaixaBank organization chart and worked in its central services. In the first ten years of his life he always went to Valencia at Easter, Christmas and summer. There were his grandparents and the rest of his family. Finally, when he was ten years old, his parents came home and with them, Redondo.

Educated at the El Pilar school, he felt attracted to the legal world. Graduated in Law from the CEU San Pablo de València (1994-1999), he decided to start his professional career in the public sector. He applied to become a State lawyer (he passed the first time and was number one in his class) and practiced for four years in the Ministry of Justice, handling labor, criminal and administrative litigation procedures.

Married to a Valencian moved to Barcelona in 2006 upon being appointed secretary of the Regional Economic Administrative Court of Catalonia (Tearc). This body, dependent on the Ministry of Finance and Public Function, resolves the economic-administrative claims that are presented against the different Administrations.

After one year and three months, in 2007 Redondo left the position to become the general secretary of the Telecommunications Market Commission (CMT) replacing JI love Almenar. When Redondo was in the CMT, his president was reinaldo rodriguezwho was the first leader of the telecommunications regulatory body -proposed by the socialist Jose Montilla– after his controversial transfer from Madrid to Barcelona. From his post as Secretary General of the now extinct CMT, Redondo got to know the guts of the Spanish telecommunications sector at a historic moment.

State Attorney on leave

The adopted Valencian, who kept a low public profile, was in the position for a little over three years, until he was replaced Jorge Sanchez Vincent. At that time, Redondo became a state lawyer on leave of absence and left the public sector to join La Caixa as director of Legal Advice. At that time the box was chaired by Isidro Fainé.

In this way, Redondo starred in an increasingly common path among State lawyers, elite officials who leave the Public Administration to go on to work on the boards of directors of Ibex 35 companies.

Redondo, the executive of the financial entity -fallero, fan of the Valencia Football Club and vacationer in Xàbia-, made the leap to CaixaBank when La Caixa created its own bank within the framework of the restructuring of the savings banks. Redondo was in this last stage the executive director of the Legal Department of CaixaBank. He previously completed his training with studies in Business Administration at Esade.

runner and triathlete

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Those who knew him knew that he was a very active athlete. A runner and marathon runner, it was common to see him compete in popular 42-kilometre events registered as a CaixaBank employee and in the veterans category.

One of the last races he ran was the 2017 Valencia marathon, which he completed in a time of three hours and 26 minutes. Redondo also participated in triathlons (endurance test that combines swimming, cycling and running), such as the Xàbia Olympic (1.5 kilometers in the sea, 40 kilometers by bicycle and 10 kilometers of running).

#Ignacio #Redondo #lawyer #great #weight #Caixabank

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