“Without independent journalism, there are no free opinions”

by time news

2023-07-17 21:59:33

In a world where “journalistic formats change almost daily” and “the pace of technological development is frantic, and not adapting to it can imply a setback”, Felipe VI defended this Monday that “what should not change is the dissemination of reality, its contextualization, and the way of presenting current affairs -the news- according to criteria of rigor, veracity and public interest». In this complex task, the role of journalism “continues to be essential in its contribution to a free society.” The King warned that “without independent journalism, there are no free opinions” and “even though times change the methods for their transmission, the bottom line of good journalism, its ability to act as a quality filter for the benefit of society, will always be the same”. That is why Don Felipe recalled that “it is essential to safeguard that courageous journalism with the capacity to attract, monitor, denounce, describe… Narrate what happens, in short, and do it with an inalienable ethical and deontological commitment.”

Felipe VI went to the headquarters of ABC and Vocento to present the most prestigious and most traditional awards in Spanish journalism: the Mariano de Cavia, the Luca de Tena and the Mingote, which went to “a vital observer capable of attributing to each word an essential context», Manuel Jabois; in “a journalist who was born with ink in his veins” and with an “enviable career”, Pedro García Cuartango; and the young cartoonist “with unquestionable talent” Flavia Álvarez-Pedrosa, known as Flavita Banana.

In the 103rd edition of these awards, Don Felipe and Doña Letizia celebrated “ABC’s 120 years at the service of its readers” and wished this house “another 120 years, at least, of successful work dedicated to good journalism and culture »: «May they also be years of luster, progress, well-being and concord for all Spaniards».

He recognized that “these are not easy times” because “economic fluctuations always generate uncertainty” and the challenges “present difficulties that are not easy to manage.” «Orienting the business models to the demands of the markets, and to technological innovations, is a task that is always ongoing; and a challenge with which we must not lose or dilute the essential function of journalism”, he expressed.

This scenario is further complicated when “the way of reading today has changed considerably” and it is technological advances “that inexorably impose their rules” and when “it has even become familiar to live with artificial intelligence on a daily basis.” as the new and revolutionary tool of great impact in our lives”.

«Orienting business models to the demands of the markets, and to technological easements, is a task that is always under construction»

At the end, the King returned to the presidential table, where together with the Queen Letiziawas accompanied by the president of Vocento, Ignacio Ybarraand the director of ABC, Julian Quiros, among other personalities. It was the fourteenth time that Don Felipe presented the Cavia awards – “san and sign of the best journalism” -, in a ceremony attended by 150 guests and sponsored by Indra.

The turn of the protagonists of the night came after the intervention of the president of the jury, the director of the RAE, Santiago Muñoz Machado. In his address, Manuel Jabois, winner of the Cavia award for the article ‘My life without WhatsApp’ -published in the ‘Ideas’ supplement of ‘El País’ on May 15, 2022- stated that in journalism “advance is not made without the front line.” «In my trade you advance by asking. And who is ignorant asks, so in my trade progress is made by ignoring», he added.

For “dignified journalism”

Jabois recalled that he was dedicated to journalism because of his grandfather and had a few words for David Gistau: “I continue to learn from him because I continue to read him.”

In a night that highlighted the essence of good journalism, Jabois remembered all his colleagues in the newsroom. «I live in a country where journalism that can be improved is practiced, but a decent journalism that, if it wants to survive, must give decent conditions to the young and not so young who are enslaved in many newsrooms with precarious contracts because they have been convinced that This is a hobby, when a vocation is never a hobby,” he argued. And he added: «A country in which if we want someone to tell us and order the world for us, we cannot give them the will, because then the world will tell us and order us well-paid people who are not due to journalism but to their interests. And this is already starting to happen.”

“I live in a country where journalism that can be improved is practiced, but a decent journalism that, if it wants to survive, must give decent conditions to the young and not so young who are enslaved in many newsrooms with precarious contracts,” says Jabois.

The winner of the Luca de Tena award and journalist for this House, Pedro García Cuartango – who is going to complete “half a century in this profession” – said that “if I were born again I would be a journalist.” «Journalism has a lot to do with the search for the truth, although the truth is always multifaceted. And that eagerness usually annoys power. As has been said so many times, journalism consists of telling something that some do not want to be told. For this reason, the role of the journalist is to bother and monitor the abuses of the powerful. It is not possible to make journalism at the service of who is in charge and it is not possible to put ideology before facts, “he stressed. He also endorsed Jabois’ claim and stated with hope that “journalism will rise from its ashes”: “Journalism has been, is and will be essential in the defense of freedom and pluralism.”

Flavita Banana was awarded the Mingote for a cartoon critical of new technologies and contemporary ways in which we invest leisure, published on July 18, 2022 in ‘El País’. “The future implies change and what is more evolved than evolving,” said the cartoonist, who celebrated having “grown up with the internet and with feminism”: “From both things I have learned to share, to fight and to assert myself.”

Before beginning the dinner, which was served in the halls on the ground floor of the building and lasted until after midnight, the president of Vocento, Ignacio Ybarra, stated that “this year’s winners are the best exponents of current journalism ».

«His work also helps us to vindicate here today, once again, good journalism. Journalism of truth, the independent, the democratic, the necessary. That journalism that is not done with artificial intelligence machines, or with applications or battle ‘bots’, which is not the kind that is viralized by search engines that live on clicks and that neither want nor know how to distinguish between information and the worst ‘clickbait’ ‘”, he claimed. And he added: «Forgive me for the clarity, but we are worried. What we are at stake is not the survival of communication groups, but the health of our democracy.

This edition of the Cavia brought together personalities from the world of culture, politics, business and journalism, including the mayor of Madrid, Jose Luis Martinez-Almeida. Also the Minister of the Presidency, Felix Bolanosand the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Diaz Ayuso, who shared a table with the Kings. The president of Vocento, Ignacio Ybarra, closed the event with the traditional toast to the King.

#independent #journalism #free #opinions

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