Niccolò Ciatti, the minister Cartabia calls the father of the 22-year-old killed after the release of one of the alleged killers

by time news

After the release of one of his son’s alleged murderers, Luigi Ciatti he had announced that he would write to the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella. Yesterday, as reported by some newspapers including la Repubblica and La Nazione, lto Minister of Justice, Marta Cartabia, the man called: “I am close to you, and I want to tell you that I have asked my offices to examine everything that has happened to understand what can be done. Obviously in full respect of the judiciary ”.

Niccolò Ciatti, 22, was beaten to death on 11 August 2017 in a nightclub in Llorrt de Mar in Spain. On December 29, for a procedural defect, one of the alleged killers, arrested and extradited from Germany, was released from prison. Rassoul Bissoultanov, 28 years old, wrestling athlete, accused of having kicked the young man in the temple which resulted in death, was thus able to leave Rebibbia prison. The ministry had already given the green light to the European arrest warrant and now the offices in via Arenula will investigate the case together with the Minister of the Interior Luciana Lamorgese. “He assured me that everything that can be done will do it – says Niccolò’s father to Repubblica – and my wife and I are grateful to him because it is the sign that the institutions are following us, even if unfortunately the killer is free”. It is impossible to anticipate where the insight will lead. Because, as judges and jurists note, there is something wrong with the relationship between the European arrest warrant and Article 10 of the Criminal Code, which determines the procedure for trying in Italy whoever has committed a crime abroad on condition that “he is in the territory of the State” and that “there is a request from the Minister of Justice”.

The man’s release, for which the trial would begin next January 18, was in fact decided due to lack of admissibility. In fact, the judges considered that Bissoultanov was not present on Italian territory when the precautionary detention order was issued against him. This measure was notified to him when, extradited from Germany, he arrived on Italian territory.

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Niccolò Ciatti, after Bissoultanov’s release from prison, his father wrote to Mattarella: “A murderer is free due to a formal defect”


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