Haifa Municipality Spokesman: I did not order or approve the political investigations of Klish-Rotem

by time news

The Yossi Cohen affair of the head of the Mossad is more than a moral stumble of one man, no matter how loud. It is a story about an age that is changing before our eyes, disintegrating and reassembling a curve. What was will no longer be. The bigger problem is that during Netanyahu’s long tenure we got used to it. Like the frog parable being cooked in a pot without being felt.

The Yossi Cohen affair of the head of the Mossad is more than a moral stumble of one man, no matter how loud. It is a story about an age that is changing before our eyes, disintegrating and reassembling a curve. The problem is that during Netanyahu’s long tenure, we have become accustomed to it

This time it is Yossi Cohen’s turn. Netanyahu announced his election as head of the Mossad and Cohen wound up like a new version of Bond (how does he choose them? From a catalog?) Under the amusing nickname of the new head: “The Model”.

Here I suspected, as they say. Maybe I’m superficial but the hint of meters matched the dark suit, the white shirt and the meticulous hairstyle. You could smell the aftershave from the TV, you would not catch one dressed like … in short, you would not catch him. I.e. dressed. But we hoped for the best. We are tired of the previous Palmach style, maybe if the head is dressed like this, the security of the state will also be in good hands. We do not need a boob hat.

First there were rumors, then came Raviv Drucker’s “source” show with the stewardess’ partner, and the two men quarreled over her like a bull and a matador in the arena and in front of the TV screen, where the silent nation sat and watched a cross-continental telenovela. Planes and airports, hotels and hiding places of billionaires, and not to hunt down bad terrorists and save the country, but to engineer a horned owner. Hasamba Hasamba Hasamba. Yaron Zehavi in ​​shock. Is this Yossi from the General Security Service? One that Swiss chatty? Such a neighborhood?

Fulfilled by Netanyahu and his flexible morals, the picture unfolding in Drucker’s investigation is shocking. The man in whose hands Netanyahu will entrust the secrets of the State of Israel is chatting over a bottle of whiskey with his lover’s husband and sweetening exciting secrets in their ears.

Maybe I’m superficial but the hint of meters matched the dark suit, the white shirt and the meticulous hairstyle. You could smell the aftershave from the TV, you would not catch one dressed like … in short, you would not catch him. I.e. dressed

He had previously invited James Packer to his daughter’s wedding, who had received a very fat check as a gift. Cohen also receives keys to Packer’s apartment and is even photographed on his way there. The head did not learn to disguise? And even though he is reprimanded for his open affair, he ignores and continues to use Netanyahu’s well-known benefactor’s apartment.

All this raises the question of the billionaire’s intentions, and if it’s just Zionism behind the generous check for the wedding and the extremely paid job he offered Cohen, with a starting chopper of ten million, out of sheer astonishment I did not notice whether it was dollars or shekels.

And sorry I’m excited, my eyes are not narrow, but I myself receive an old-age pension of 1963 shekels, understand me. I only read about such world-wide and juicy adventures in the books I borrowed from the neighborhood library.

And not just the novel. After all, James did not put his hand on the plate either. James Bond. But such a chatterbox? Even Rachel the gossip from “This World,” a newspaper without red lines, was more of a bunker than he was.. We can only turn to the question of how he dared for the sake of the name, this is the head of the Mossad! And what other spy stories scattered to the wind to acquire the heart of the woman he desired, and what he told to reassure the husband, with four eyes and a bottle of whiskey. Scottish.

And why is he such a bibi and where will we lead the shame.

All of this raises a question as to the billionaire’s intentions, and if it’s just Zionism behind the generous check for the wedding and the extremely paid job he offered to serve, with a starting chopper of ten million. I have no narrow eyes, but I myself receive an old-age pension in the amount of NIS 1963

This is not Yossi Cohen, the head of the Mossad is just the tip of the iceberg, unfortunately for all of us. Not to mention the symptom. He did not operate in a vacuum, he looked around, mostly upstairs, and allowed himself to release a belt. The commander’s spirit seeps deeper than we thought.

The lies, the excuses, the tricks, the hedonism, the sacrifice for the rich, the limited loyalty. Slowly everything is diminishing, and what was built with effort is constantly being unraveled from the old shackles of correctness. Just because it is possible. It’s already more of a slippery slope.

For now, Yossi Cohen is bound by the cooling law, and there is something to cool. But wait patiently. He will return. Our people prefer them to Bibi. No Bibi does not buy. The press, too, has not yet fully internalized its role and has long been not a watchdog but a puppy on the dashboard of government.

The story of the head of the Mossad was also rejected by Keshet 12 on the pretext that it was “yellow and gossipy material,” as if it were the divorce of Eyal Golan and not an investigation that sheds light on the wrongful conduct of the head of the Mossad. Just like the sweeping avoidance in the news of ongoing coverage of the Netanyahu trial.

And as if all this is not shameful enough, comes the response of the organization itself, the institution published a response to the investigation of the “source” and Cohen came out in it as pure as snow and a hero, as if someone doubted his contribution to the state. Indeed, his rights as a pomegranate multiplied, it was just us and our petty demands for proper conduct as the head of the most secretive organization in the country.

The story of the head of the Mossad was also rejected by Request 12 on the pretext that it was “yellow and gossipy material”, as if it were the divorce of Eyal Golan and not an investigation that sheds light on the wrongful conduct of the head of the Mossad

What exactly did we want? A professional who understands the moral responsibility placed on him, one who does not pursue his tail. Who does not make an ax in his profession to dig with in order to conquer the wife of a man who is the object of his courtship.

What have we already asked for? Just behave accordingly.
Still, Big Brother.

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