Kennedy Family Denounces Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Conspiracy Theory on Coronavirus Targeting Jews and Chinese

by time news

Title: Kennedy Family Denounces Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Bigoted Coronavirus Conspiracy Theory

Several influential members of the Kennedy family have strongly condemned Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a Democratic presidential candidate, for promoting a bigoted conspiracy theory regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. Kennedy Jr. suggested that the virus was “ethnically targeted” to spare Jews and Chinese people, sparking outrage and disapproval from his own family.

During a recent event in New York City, Kennedy Jr. made controversial remarks that were recorded and first published by The New York Post. He stated that COVID-19 specifically targets Caucasians and Black people, while Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese people are purportedly the most immune. However, he added that it remained uncertain if the virus was intentionally targeted.

The Kennedy family swiftly disassociated themselves from his comments, expressing their deep disappointment. Kerry Kennedy, the leader of Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights organization, named after their father, characterized her brother’s remarks as “deplorable and untruthful.” She emphasized that his views did not align with the principles the organization stands for.

Joseph Kennedy II, another prominent member of the family, echoed similar sentiments, branding Kennedy Jr.’s comments as “morally and factually wrong.” He stressed that the remarks propagated anti-Semitic myths while also fueling mistrust against the Chinese community. Joseph affirmed that his brother’s words were contrary to their father’s values and actions.

Former Representative Joseph Kennedy III took to Twitter to voice his condemnation, unequivocally denouncing his uncle’s remarks as “hurtful and wrong.” This public disapproval from within the family highlights the strong disagreement and concern his comments have sparked.

Despite facing backlash, Kennedy Jr. rejected criticism in a lengthy Twitter post, wherein he defended himself against allegations of anti-Semitism. However, it should be noted that the paper he referenced to support his claims did not actually substantiate them.

Kennedy Jr.’s controversial statements are not isolated incidents, as his family members have previously distanced themselves from his words and actions. Once known as an environmental lawyer working towards a cleaner Hudson River, Kennedy Jr. has now become a prominent purveyor of anti-vaccine misinformation. He has propagated the unproven link between childhood vaccines and autism and consistently cast doubt on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines.

In a particularly egregious example from last year, Kennedy Jr. suggested that unvaccinated Americans would face worse persecution than Anne Frank, the young girl who tragically died during the Holocaust. His comment drew sharp criticism from his siblings and even his wife, actress Cheryl Hines, who described it as “reprehensible and insensitive.”

Kennedy Jr. has also propagated other conspiracy theories, including baseless claims connecting antidepressants to mass shootings and alleging Republican theft of the 2004 presidential election. Despite his promotion of misinformation and policy views that align more with the Republican base than the Democratic one, Kennedy Jr. continues to poll relatively strongly, albeit far behind President Biden.

The Kennedy family has unequivocally condemned Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s bigoted conspiracy theory regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. With influential members of his family publicly disavowing his remarks, Kennedy Jr. faces widespread criticism for his promotion of misinformation and controversial policy views. His views stand in stark contrast to the legacy of the Kennedy family, raising concerns within the Democratic Party.

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