The Weekend Warrior: Exercising on Weekends as Effective for Heart Health, According to Recent Study

by time news

2023-07-18 17:00:01
Weekend Exercise Just as Good for Heart Health, Study Finds

New research published in the medical scientific journal, JAMA, reveals that people who only exercise on the weekends have the same risk of heart problems as those who spread their exercise efforts throughout the week. The study challenges the popular notion that exercising regularly on weekdays is vital for heart health.

Both the Dutch Health Council and the World Health Organization recommend engaging in moderately intensive exercise for at least 150 minutes per week, spread over several days. However, the study shows that the frequency of exercise is not as important as the total amount of exercise.

The study, conducted by American heart specialists, looked at approximately 100,000 individuals who wore an exercise meter for a week. The participants were part of the UK Biobank database, which contains health information of half a million Britons. They were divided into three groups: those who exercised at least 150 minutes on a maximum of two days, those who spread the 150 minutes over several days, and a third group who exercised less than 150 minutes per week.

Surprisingly, the majority of individuals who engaged in regular exercise were “weekend warriors,” who crammed all their exercise into one or two days. The study found that the weekend athletes did not experience more heart problems over a five-year period compared to those who spread their exercise throughout the week. In fact, both groups of active individuals had a lower risk of heart problems compared to inactive individuals.

The researchers also addressed concerns about the potential risks of compressed sports and found no evidence of an increased risk of injuries among weekend athletes. However, they suggest further research to explore any potential disadvantages of exercising more in fewer days.

While the study provides reassuring results for those who struggle to find time for exercise during the week, the researchers acknowledge some limitations. The participants may have behaved differently while wearing the exercise meter for a week, and the study population was predominantly white, raising concerns about generalization to a more diverse population.

Nevertheless, the findings align with previous indications that moderately intensive exercise reduces the risk of various heart diseases, regardless of the exercise pattern. The study also highlights the importance of any type of physical activity, as even gardening or vacuuming can count as moderately intensive exercise.

Despite the recommendations for 150 minutes per week, less than half of the adults in the Netherlands meet this goal. According to the Dutch Health Council, the relationship between exercise and health is a continuum, and any amount of exercise is beneficial. The simple recommendation is to move more and sit less for better overall health.

In conclusion, the study emphasizes that engaging in physical activity, regardless of the frequency, can have significant benefits for heart health.]
#Active #day #weekends #good #heart

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