All for the Earth: tell us about your sustainable summer

by time news

2023-07-01 10:05:53

On 22 April, World Earth Day, we launched an appeal to be told what you do for the planet. Many of you have responded and we are still collecting your testimonies to create a great mosaic together that sees us all called to participate. Professors and students, artists (musicians, songwriters, bands) and scholars of various branches of science and beyond, citizens and associations, businesses and non-profit organizations: many testimonies reached Green&Blue to demonstrate how even in times of crisis, such as the one we are experiencing due to global warming and its consequences, society can come together to identify solutions, push innovation one step further, create a network of solidarity and an exchange of ideas that help you find new avenues for adaptation and resilience.

The stories of your experiences touch all areas and come from all over Italy. Like that of middle school students Marco Polo Viani of Viareggio, who with their teachers put into practice a project of the Consortium for the cleaning of fumes and waterways from waste, which also involved the municipal administrations of Viareggio and Camaiore and the voluntary associations Insieme si può per Camaiore, Misericordia of Capezzano Pianore and Atletico Viareggio. Then there is the association Daje De Alberi, which for years with the “Share et albera” project has been entrusting the care of Rome’s urban green areas to “green activists”, the volunteers who engage in the reforestation and regeneration of some urban areas of the city every day, managing to involve other citizens and institutions, such as the Garden Service of Rome Capital. Another way to make one’s time available to the community and improve the conditions of our cities.

Daje De Alberi, the Roman association of volunteers who take care of urban greenery

Francesco Michelimanager in the fitness room, decided to count the plastic cups that went to waste in his gym a Firenze: 400 every day. A number that seemed enormous to him, even in his “small” part: so he wrote a message inviting all customers to pay attention and advising them to use a single glass for the whole workout. An aid that on a large scale can save the planet from pollution. Not far from what the FreeVoicesabout thirty young people from theInCanto Association from Capriva Del Friuli (Gorizia) who go on tour and use their voice to raise awareness on climate change: because it is important that people listen. And this message can also be conveyed with music “to help the world become a more environmentally friendly, peaceful, prosperous and peaceful place”.

Freevoices, the choir of the InCanto Association

i do too Magnitude38, “a power trio of 15-year-old boys who make themselves heard with a rock of the past”: Francesco Atrei (guitar and vocals), Gianmarco Pinelli (bass and vocals), and Daniele Roli (drums) have been playing since 2018 Lawn. They have attended Fridays for Future and the lineup has already changed several times over the years. They already have an album of eight self-written songs, recorded during the pandemic and online on all platforms. “To talk about war, peace, racism, too much technology and the business of growing up in the midst of all this dark side”. They talk (and sing) about themselves and all of us in a historic moment that calls us to participate in a virtuous, sustainable way.

Paul Rizzi49, does it with data: he is a lawyer of Bergamo and chose the information. Its the idea to create Planet Health Check, a platform (in 4 languages, soon in 11) of which provides data, numbers, statistics, information in the “LIVE UP-DATE” formula and scientific and educational news on the climate change underway. But the actions and commitment to defend the environment, change habits, make conscious choices that can help us reduce atmospheric and nature pollution, change pace and find solutions to the crisis are certainly many more than just mentioned here and different, are implemented every day and we want to tell them with you to build together a conscience that helps us change course.

Planet Health Check

This is why we ask you to share your stories, summer projects, ideas for sustainable tourism that you have found or put into practice for the summer we are heading towards. There is a common good to preserve, examples to pass on and relationships that must become alliances, because now is the time to be All for the Earth, starting with you. WRITE YOUR STORY

#Earth #sustainable #summer

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