22 Catholic missionaries killed in 2021 for Christ; Among the martyrs were 13 priests

by time news

Vatican City: 22 Catholic missionaries killed in 2021 for preaching Christianity. The report was released by Fidesz, a leading news agency, based on data gathered from various countries. This includes 13 priests, two nuns, a nun and six monks. Feeds reports that 536 missionaries were killed worldwide between 2000 and 2020.

The highest number of missionaries killed this year was 11 in Africa. That’s half the total number of people killed. Seven priests, two nuns and two monks were killed in Africa. The United States is next with seven missionaries killed. Five priests and two monks were killed in the United States. Three were killed in Asia, including one priest and two monks, and one priest in Europe.

The report makes it clear that the word ‘missionary’ means a missionary who has been baptized and is aware of the value of the baptism they have received. Feeds says the term “martyrs” is not used because the report considers only those active in the mission area. According to Fidesz, 20 people were killed in 2020, 29 in 2019, 43 in 2018 and 23 in 2017.

According to observers, the number of missionaries killed is expected to rise further, with more missionaries being physically and mentally abused than ever before. The FedEx report comes on the heels of reports that anti – Christian persecution will increase in 2022 in Africa and Asia.

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