Storm of Life Velder Rabbi Tao: “Rabbi Eliyahu is engaged in persecution”

by time news

(Photo: Noam Party)

The Chaim Velder storm: In a recording that reached Srugim, the head of the Har Hamor yeshiva, Rabbi Zvi Tao, was heard referring to the storm surrounding the suicide of Chaim Velder and the accusations leveled against him. In his remarks he attacked Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu and accused him of McCarthyism.

Listen to the recording:

“People live the radio and the media, they believe wholeheartedly that everything that is said there is true, the Torah of Moses from Sinai,” he said. “You will know that it is all built on a lie. They wanted to encounter it. It’s all stories of the media, taking revenge on those who hurt the soul of the leftists in the country and secularism, those who now want to uproot religion from the state.”

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Rabbi Tao likened the Welder affair to accusations against former President Moshe Katsav: “He was not willing to accept the delegation of the Reformers, nor was he willing to recognize them as a legitimate stream of Judaism. We did it because we strengthened it. “

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The rabbi later referred to the publication of the accusations against Velder and attacked the tribunal and Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu. “There was no court for it. Rabbi Shmuel suffers from McCarthyism, after what happened to Scheinberg in Safed he lost all boundaries. There is really no court, do not listen to him in this matter, everything is a bluff, a lie and a lie.”

“Everything you have heard is fabricated and invented,” the rabbi claimed in the summary. “The tribunal is one big laugh, do not believe it. Everything is a lie, and whoever whitens the face of his friend in public has no part in the next world.”

It will be recalled that after the suicide of Velder Rabbi Eliyahu said that “it is a pity that he chose this path, we suggested that he correct what he has spoiled. He should apologize to the victims. That he should change his way. “Suicide. We are strengthening the many victims in this difficult time, their lives precede his.”

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