The employers guarantee that Garamendi can perpetuate himself as president of CEOE

by time news

2023-07-19 14:07:27

The general assembly of the employer CEOE has approved the modification of its statutes that suppress the limitation of mandates and allow its president, Antonio Garamendiperpetuate in office beyond the 2026. The business organization has also tightened the requirements for alternative applications may be presented, increasing the number of guarantees required. The employers have also endorsed that the president in office can revalidate the position without a vote in between, provided that no alternative candidate manages to reach that new level of minimum support to force a vote.

Garamendi has applied, a year after being re-elected for his second term, a change of statutes that he did not defend during the brief electoral campaign. And he has done it with hardly any resistance. The main organization that has openly confronted Garamendi in the recent past, the Catalan Promotion of Work, already announced this past Tuesday that he would vote in favor of the change of statutes. Your president, Josep Sánchez Bookhas been giving gestures of understanding with Garamendi since his vice presidency, Virginia Cranefailed to beat Garamendi in the past elections.

The internal wear and tear that Garamendi has suffered when proposing this change, as well as the leak of his salary of close to 400,000 euros per year and his ‘express’ regularization, after appearing as a freelancer during his first term as head of the CEOE, has been minimal. , according to the votes this Wednesday.

The change in the statutes increases the number of supports that an alternative candidate will need to run. Currently it was necessary to collect 20 endorsements from four different organizations. Now it goes to 10% endorsements from six organizations. Currently in the CEOE there are more than 200 organizations and between them they gather 820 endorsements. They must also present the candidacies with more time, since the minimum notice goes from 15 to 40 days before the General Assembly is held.

Criticism of the “campaign of harassment and demolition” of the Government

The president of the CEOE has criticized in his speech the “campaign of harassment and demolition” to which the Government says it has subjected the businessmen. “Which sometimes remind me of countries from another continent or non-democratic governments”, he added. Among the employers it was especially bad when the Minister of Social Rights, Ione Herbpointed directly to the owner of Mercadona as a “ruthless capitalist.”

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He has also charged against the “interventionism” of the second vice president, Yolanda Diaz. Without actually citing it, Garamendi has recalled the approval within the employment law of the reinforcement of the Labor inspection in the control of employment regulation files (ERE). A modification introduced with “nocturnal and treachery” and “without mandatory consultations and with its back to social dialogue.” Something that has already advanced that they will demand to change the next government that comes out of the polls on 23J.

Garamendi has also valued the salary agreement reached with the unions CCOO y UGTin which companies agree to raise salaries by at least one 10% until 2025. “I will not get tired of valuing the AENC signed with the unions this year on a bipartite basis, which has given us a social peace fundamental and something as important as a labor relations guide in an environment in which inflation continues to be one of our main threats”, he declared.

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