Pediatrician Calls for Stricter Punishments for Driving Tuned Vehicles

by time news

Updated 20:39 | Published 20:15

The doctor Jonas F Ludvigsson is advocating for harsher punishments for those who drive tuned vehicles in light of recent accidents involving EPA tractors. Ludvigsson, a pediatrician at Örebro University Hospital, has witnessed the devastating injuries suffered by young people and believes that stricter measures need to be implemented to reduce accidents.

Over the weekend, an accident involving an A-tractor in Lindesberg resulted in three individuals being rushed to the hospital. This incident follows a series of A-tractor accidents that occurred earlier this summer, including a fatal accident in mid-June that claimed the life of a teenage boy near Torsby.

Ludvigsson is particularly concerned about accidents involving A-tractors and believes that the number of fatalities among young people will continue to rise if action is not taken. Among the measures he proposes are the requirement of a driver’s license to operate an A-tractor, harsher penalties for those who drive modified vehicles, mandatory winter tires, and the stipulation that an adult must be the registered owner of the A-tractor.

According to Ludvigsson, 16- and 17-year-olds lack the necessary maturity and education to safely navigate A-tractors, especially considering that only a moped driving license is required to operate such a large vehicle. He believes that by implementing these measures, accidents and injuries among young people can be significantly reduced.

The number of registered A-tractors has been on the rise in recent years, with approximately 25,000 registered in 2019 and nearly 53,000 registered by the end of 2022, according to Trafikanalys, the authority responsible for transport analysis. However, inspections conducted by the police region West during last year’s autumn holiday week revealed that two-thirds of the A-tractors checked had been modified or had defects that were deemed illegal and hazardous.

Ludvigsson emphasizes the importance of parental responsibility in preventing accidents involving A-tractors. He believes that parents have a significant influence on their children and should speak up if they become aware of their child tuning their vehicle.

In response to these concerns, the Swedish Transport Agency conducted an investigation focused on the safety of A-tractors and presented its findings in November of last year. Three of the proposed measures will take effect at the end of August, including the requirement to wear seat belts, limitations on where passengers can sit in the front seat, and the classification of exceeding the permitted speed as speeding.

The Swedish Transport Agency is also considering other recommendations, such as requiring winter tires and evaluating the regulations surrounding driving licenses for A-tractors. They are reviewing the feasibility of a more risk-based training approach and potentially mandating practice on a four-wheeled vehicle. However, the requirement for an adult to be registered as the owner of an A-tractor has not yet been investigated.

Ludvigsson welcomes the measures proposed by the Swedish Transport Agency, expressing hope that they will lead to fewer accidents and ultimately save lives.

With the increasing number of accidents involving A-tractors and the potential risks associated with modified vehicles, it is crucial for authorities to address these concerns and take appropriate action to ensure the safety of young drivers and passengers.

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