Covid, Antonio Onorato to De Luca: “We artists in the abyss, the sector targeted by the restrictions”

by time news

noon, December 26, 2021 – 2:02 pm

The musician writes a letter to the governor: «The shopping centers are super crowded and the matches at the stadium go on, only us hit hard. Dear Vincenzo, do not neglect the world of entertainment and culture “

from Gabriele Bojano

On Boxing Day the cry of pain of the artists of the entertainment world rises “once again plunged into the abyss because of these new anti-covid restrictions”. It is Antonio Onorato, a well-known Neapolitan composer and guitarist, who is the spokesperson for the concerns of the category through an open letter to the president of the Campania Region Vincenzo De Luca spread through social media. “We are totally out of work again – writes Onorato – in recent days I have lost two concerts, one in Capri and the other in Naples … postponed to a date to be defined, who knows then … And this morning I unfortunately learned that I am other restrictions for the entertainment world have been approved by the government throughout Italy until January 31 without “protective” measures in exchange for all workers in the sector “. Hence the bitter reflection, already heard previously, on the “two weights and two measures”: “I don’t understand why – reflects the musician – once again the public institutions and the public administration have targeted the world of art and of the show. Meanwhile, the shopping centers are super crowded as always, the matches at the stadium go on quietly and are full of people without masks. I took a plane a few days ago overcrowded with passengers and once we arrived at the airport we got into the bus where for a long time, more than 50 people, we were forced to share a space so small that we had to stand elbow to elbow ” . The letter continues with an explicit request: “Dear Vincenzo, I ask you not to neglect the world of music, art and culture. We have always played a very important role for society and for humanity. Think about us too. We do not enjoy the insured monthly salary like many other people for whom, after all, nothing has changed, except the fear of getting sick, like all of us ”. The affection and esteem in conclusion together with an unprecedented confidence, however explained: “I’m sorry if I called you, but I remind you that Tony Esposito and I a few years ago, we accompanied you on the stage in Naples (at the Arenile di Bagnoli) at the end of your electoral campaign to become governor of the Campania Region “.

December 26, 2021 | 14:02

© Time.News

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