Help Support Ovi’s Battle with ALS and Sarcoidosis: Donate to Make His Life Easier

by time news

2023-07-19 19:51:08
Title: Game of Football Turns into a Fight Against ALS for Father and Sons

Date: May 31, 2023

In a heartbreaking turn of events, what started as a friendly game of football between a father and his sons has now become a battle against two rare diseases. Emanuel, known as Ovi, has been diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Sarcoidosis, leaving his family and friends devastated.

ALS, a neurodegenerative disease, is notoriously difficult to diagnose. It often goes unrecognized by general practitioners and neurologists in the early stages due to its rarity and the lack of definitive diagnostic methods. Ovi’s initial symptoms were attributed to other syndromes with more positive prognoses, making the ALS diagnosis all the more devastating.

In ALS, the nerves that connect the brain to the muscles gradually deteriorate, leading to a loss of movement and function. Simple tasks like walking up the stairs or even eating independently have become increasingly challenging for Ovi. The progressive limitations of his movements take a toll on him both physically and mentally, as he grapples with the reality of having to give up his independence bit by bit.

Ovi’s family, especially his wife Jolanda and their children, are burdened with the increasing physical dependence and the emotional toll it brings. Despite the challenges he faces, Ovi has chosen to donate his body to science after his passing, hoping to contribute to the understanding and potential treatments for ALS.

At present, the focus is on making Ovi’s life as comfortable as possible. The family has turned to crowdfunding to help raise funds for necessary accommodations. Ovi’s wish is to remain in the comfort of his home, surrounded by loved ones. A wheelchair bus is needed to allow him to venture outside of the house for hospital check-ups and to enjoy the outdoors. Additionally, adaptations to the garden door will enable him to easily access the garden with his electric wheelchair.

Furthermore, Ovi is interested in trying the innovative Mollii suit, which targets neuromodulation to reduce pain and increase mobility. The suit utilizes reciprocal inhibition, relaxing spastic muscles while activating weak muscles.

The plea for support and donations to facilitate these changes in Ovi’s life is heartfelt. Even the smallest contribution can make a difference, as Ovi’s mother once said, “Every little bit helps, said the mosquito and then he peed in the ocean.” The family is grateful for any assistance and emphasizes the importance of sharing this request with others.

Ultimately, their goal is to make Ovi’s life a little easier and bring him joy during this challenging journey. Ovi, Jolanda, their children, family, and friends express their deepest appreciation for the support received.

In the words of Ovi himself, “Remember and know, you are never really alone.”]
#Fundraiser #Jolanda #Jonkers #Ellen #van #Leeuwen #Support #Ovi #Emanuel

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