Sweden’s Embassy in Iraq Stormed and Set on Fire Amidst Koran Burning Protest

by time news

Several hundred people have stormed the Swedish embassy in Iraq’s capital, Baghdad, setting it ablaze, according to Reuters. The incident occurred during the night, and Iraqi security forces were called to the scene as smoke billowed from the building. The protests were reportedly organized by supporters of Shia preacher Muqtada al-Sadr, in response to reports that the Koran would be burned in Sweden.

The anger over the alleged Koran burning was evident as a larger number of protesters remained at the embassy. The demonstrations were expected, as an application for a public gathering outside the Iraqi embassy in Stockholm was granted, stating their intent to burn the Koran and the Iraqi flag. The protest in Baghdad mirrored the planned gathering.

Thankfully, there were no reported injuries to embassy staff during the storming. Video clips shared on Telegram showed the crowd gathering at approximately 01:00 local time, with them entering the embassy an hour later. Later videos showed the smoke emanating from one of the embassy’s buildings. The Swedish Foreign Ministry declined to confirm or deny the information when contacted by news agency TT.

This is not the first time the Swedish embassy in Baghdad has been stormed. Less than a month ago, on June 29, another group of protesters occupied the building for about 15 minutes before security forces arrived. The incident occurred the day after a Koran was burned outside a mosque in Stockholm. The same group that carried out the burning received permission for Thursday’s action at the Iraqi embassy.

As tensions rise over the perceived disrespect towards Islam, it remains important to find peaceful solutions and reach a mutual understanding to prevent further violence.

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