Micro chip: All the documents are in your hand ..!

by time news

DSruptive Subdermals, a Swedish company, has developed a facility to insert the Covid vaccine certificate into a microchip and keep the microchip in our body.

Covit vaccination certificates are currently being sought for entry to malls, theaters, and hotels around the world.

If the certificate is stored on a microchip, the certificate can be scanned by any device that supports the chip at the required time. Some have welcomed this new method. But some have expressed their fears.

This company did not create a system for Govt certification to put documents in a microchip and inject them into our body.

Over the past few years, some Swedes have begun to use it voluntarily. There are tens of thousands of people in Sweden who have paid for a microchip in their body to store documents.

All kinds of documents like our office ID, travel cards, membership cards, digital unlock tickets can be stored in this microchip.

Documents If we scan the chip with our mobile when we need it, we can see the document stored on the chip on the mobile.

Hannes sjoblad, managing director of the company that made the chip, said of the chip, “I even put a microchip in my hand.

I have my vaccination certificate in it so I can scan and pick it up on my mobile when needed. Not only for my needs but also when I go to public places like malls and hotels they will scan my chip and check the vaccination certificate even if I stretch out my hand.

It costs 100 euros to fit a chip like this. It’s twice as expensive as a health band that tracks the body details you normally wear on your hands. But once you have a microchip you can use it for 30 to 40 years.

The health band is more than capable of being used for three or four years. Now this chip attaches the Govt vaccination certificate to fit the current application, that’s all. This chip will do many other things besides this. ” Says.

This chip is very easy to attach to the body. The rice-sized microchip is injected under the skin with a needle. They say that once the payment is made to the body, the required documents can be recorded on the chip using a mobile processor to record or update the documents.

Some people think that this microchip will be an opportunity to track our personal information such as our location. They fear it will erode their privacy.

Joblett said, “You need to understand how this chip works. It has no battery. It will be ‌ quiet with no activity under your skin. Only in use when you scan your mobile.

This will not give you a chance to know your location. Not only that but this chip is fully self-assembled.

We did not force anyone to pay for this chip. The decision to fit this chip is his personal choice. ”

Amanda Back from Sweden, who fitted the microchip, said of the chip: I think that’s right. After storing my documents on this chip and injecting them into my body, it seems to me that all my information is under my control. ”

The recording of documents on the chip may be entirely under our control. Only we know what documents we put in it. It is said that this has nothing to do with the chip company.

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