Girona’s exports grow by 8% in May and are already close to 3.5 billion euros

by time news

2023-07-20 11:01:59

THE exports Girona grew by 7.9% in May and they already rub the 3,500 million of euros in the cumulative 2023. After breaking the upward trend in April, now the sales abroad of the territory’s companies are picking up again. In May, firms in the demarcation have exported products worth 737.5 million euros. The agroalimentari, by volume, continues to lead the sectors most focused abroad (316.3 million euros). But if growth is analysed, the chemical industry is at the forefront. Its companies – which include pharmaceutical companies – are regaining momentum and this May they managed to grow up to 27.8% in exports (closing the month with 144.7 million euros in turnover abroad).

In Catalonia

Catalan exports set a new record historical record in a month of May since they have records and they added up 9,017.2 million eurosfigure that represents an increase of 4.7% in relation to the same month last year, according to the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism. Regarding the total, Catalan sales abroad represented 26.6% of the entire State. The most exporting sectors were chemicals (2,811.8 million), followed by the automobile sector (1,514.1 million euros) and capital goods (1,413.9 million). As for imports, they amounted to 10,089.2 million euros, 1.6% more than in May 2022. In the State as a whole, exports amounted to 33,942.4 million euros, 3.1% less.

The export of chemical products grew by 1.4%, up to 2,811.8 million euros and represented 31.2% of total Catalan sales abroad. In second place, the automotive sector represented 16.8% of the total, with 1,514.2 million euros, 69.1% more, while capital goods, with 1,413.9 million euros, accounted for 15.7% of the total and 0.6% more than in May 2022.

In the accumulated period, Catalan exports rose by 15% compared to the period between January and May of last year, up to 43,824 million euros, a figure that represents 26.4% of the total in the State. Imports represented 26.6% of the total, up to 47,931.9 million euros, 5.3% more than the first five months of last year.

By demarcation, Barcelona is the one that added the most sales abroad during the month of May, with 7,117.3 million euros, that is, 5.8% more if compared with May 2022 and 21% of the whole State.

The demarcation of Lleida added up to 239.7 million euros, a figure that represents a 5.1% annual decline, and that of Tarragona did so by 2.4%, up to 922.7 million euros.

If you take into account the accumulated period since January, all the demarcations show growth. Specifically, the demarcation of Barcelona has sales of 34,891 million euros (+18.4%), that of Girona 3,341 million (+8.2%), Lleida 1,061.8 million euros (+2.15) and Tarragona 4,529.8 million euros (+0.5%).

The trade deficit stood at 1,072 million euros compared to 1,322 million euros in May 2022. In the cumulative period since January, it went from 7,442.2 million euros to 4,107.2 million euros in May 2023.

In the State as a whole, exports for the month of May amounted to 33,942 million euros, 3.1% less; while imports amounted to 37,054 million euros, 6.9% less.

Between January and May, exports increased by 6.4%, up to 165,969 million euros, a figure that represents its historical maximum. As for imports, they were reduced by 1.4%, up to 180,034 million euros, according to the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism.

The trade deficit was reduced in the first five months by almost half, by 47%, with 14,065 million euros compared to 26,570 million euros in the same period of 2022.

The year-on-year increase in Catalan exports between January and May was higher than the average for Europe of the 27, which recorded 3.7%) and the euro zone (3%), and countries such as Germany and Italy, with 3.3% and 4.8% more, respectively.

#Gironas #exports #grow #close #billion #euros

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