Paia-Vo closes with a 90% execution rate

by time news

2023-07-19 07:47:01

90% is the projected execution rate for the Agricultural Infrastructure Support Project in the Ouémé Valley, which is coming to an end. A planned extension of six months should make it possible to consolidate the achievements, after more than eight years of implementation.

What a MIDA

The Agricultural Infrastructure Support Project in the Ouémé Valley (Paia-Vo) closes with an execution rate of about 90%, integrating future receptions and the current execution rates of works in progress, according to the latest Report on implementation progress and results as of July 3, 2023. The performance of the project, indicates the document published by the African Development Bank (AfDB), appears “generally satisfactory in terms of outputs”, even if significant delays were noted in the achievement of all the expected effects, after more than eight years of implementation.

In fact, the initial six-year period has been significantly extended, because of the problems encountered in completing the hydro-agricultural works and optimizing the commissioning of the infrastructures (tracks, stores, markets), reports the rapporteur Ibro Manomi. The evaluation mission notes that the additional production recorded is below the targets initially set with an average rate of 21.5%. The development of the hydro-agricultural sites not yet received should however substantially increase production levels, with an expected final developed area of ​​nearly 4,600 ha compared to 1,600 ha recorded at the end of 2022. However, the project has overall enabled an increase in income for the beneficiaries, as well as an improvement in their living conditions.

According to the AfDB report, the envisaged extension of the closing date to December 31, 2023 should allow the completion of the works and the consolidation of the achievements.

To do this…

It will be a question of alleviating the difficulties of effective mobilization of the resources of the national counterpart, by effectively mobilizing the commitments of approximately 616 million F CFA taken into account in the General State Budget, financial year 2023. Thus, the disbursement rate of the resources of the counterpart will be increased to 53% at the end of the year 2023. The financial contribution of the AfDB group, financial partner on the project, was estimated at 67.19 million US dollars, including a loan of 59.20 million dollars and the rest in the form of a donation) or nearly 37 billion CFA francs.

It is also a question of respecting the contractual deadlines by the companies in charge of the development works with total control of the water of the perimeter of Tangbédji and the sites of 651 ha abandoned by one of the companies in charge of the works. Work monitoring will be reinforced and coercion and pressure measures applied to companies, which will have to mobilize sufficient human and material resources on the sites.

In addition, a plan for the sustainability of achievements would ensure the sustainability of project outputs. The six-month extension would be used to strengthen support for beneficiaries, by involving the Territorial Agricultural Development Agencies (Atda) and the town halls concerned.

Started in 2014, Paia-Vo aims to sustainably increase crop yields and production by promoting promising sectors (rice, corn, market gardening) and to improve the incomes of rural populations in the lower and middle Ouémé valley.

Legend : The Paia-Vo has contributed to improving plant productivity in the lower and middle Ouémé valley

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Q. A.

juillet 19, 2023

#PaiaVo #closes #execution #rate

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