Stop the eviction of a couple of 73 and 74 years Castelló

by time news

2023-07-21 03:00:39

The two elderly people have an acknowledgment of vulnerability from Social Services that was not accepted by the court

Mobilization in Castelló to avoid the eviction of a couple of people over 73 and 74 years of age, by the bank as they were unable to meet the last installments of the mortgage. These people have recognition as vulnerable people, issued by Social Services, although the court did not admit it to stop the eviction. The woman is awaiting surgery.

Two people, a couple of 73 and 74 years they anxiously await their eviction from your habitual residence this afternoon at 5:00 p.m. in the Plaza Vilanova de Alcolea de Castelló.

Is about ‘a story not to sleep’ in which all possible elements come together.

According to sources related by the Anti-Eviction Platformhe man had to ask for a credit to be able to carry out the business that I fed him. After agreement with the bank, they decided that it was a mortgage loan that could be more advantageous to his interests and his pocket.

Y as guaranteethe man presented the house in which they lived, other property and one parking place.

With this money, the couple got get ahead and pay your mortgage until retirement came. But the pension What was left for these two people turned out to be insufficient to face the mortgage.

The same sources denounced that, on the other hand, in these cases, the properties that they left as guaranteethey lose value and no is contemplated its real price in the market to face the debt that could remain.

It’s more point outthat bank reduced its value in a very high percentage, put them up for auction y sold them for much less of that initial value, and of its market premium.

If we add to this, that the process was judicializedthat those affected indicate that their legal representative did not defend them as it shouldand that with all this was passing the timelos interest on the debt rose in a resounding way

In defense of his habitual residence, those affected requested aid and there even exists one Social Services document that declares his vulnerable situation. Are two old peoplecon health problems, the woman is awaiting operation And now, in addition, they are going to lose their home.

According to the same sources, the court did not consider the Social Services documentnor their situation of vulnerability, to stop the eviction, because they consider that they have friends or relatives who can lend them a hand…

Castellon Information He refers to the information that has come from representatives of the Anti-Eviction Platform, but he does have the document from the Social Services of Castelló.

As this newspaper has been able to confirm, since yesterday friends and acquaintances have mobilized to ask for help and power stop eviction. It has also been used representatives of the government team municipal, that they would have tried intercede before the judge.

In response to this call for mobilization, friends, acquaintances and representatives of political parties such as Compromís they will meet this afternoon in front of the house to try to stop the eviction.

#Stop #eviction #couple #years #Castelló

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