Elections in Spain: twenty leaders supported Pedro Sánchez

by time news

2023-07-22 00:25:00

This Sunday the eyes of the world will be on the general elections in Spainmoment in which the socialist president Pedro Sanchez He will try to retain command of the Moncloa Palace in the face of a strengthened opposition which, according to the most recent polls, would allow the ultra-right to come to power for the first time.

In this context, several progressive heads of state and government, including the Argentine Alberto Fernandez and the brazilian Lula da Silvasigned a manifesto in favor of the official Pedro Sánchez, the leader of the PSOE (Spanish Socialist Worker’s Party) who will seek re-election before the “unprecedented wave of conservatism” in Europe.

The President of Spain, Pedro Sánchez.

The general elections in Spain will be held this Sunday for the first time in summer and it is estimated that some 2.5 million people will vote by mail, something unprecedented. In addition, they occur within the framework of a polarization between a divided ruling party and the opposition led by the PP (People’s Party) of Alberto Núñez Feijoowho in case of winning could ally with the far-right formation Vox to form a government.

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What the international manifesto says in favor of Sánchez

More than twenty international leaders got fully involved in the electoral campaign in Spain in support of Pedro Sánchez, among them the chancellor of Germany, Olaf Scholz, the president of brazil Luiz Inacio Lula da Silvaand that of Argentina, Alberto Fernandez, as well as the Prime Ministers of Portugal, Antonio Costa; Denmark, Mette Frederiksenand Malta, Robert Abela.

The leaders of world politics highlighted the “importance” of the elections in Spain on July 23 to stop the “unprecedented wave of conservatism” suffered by the world and Europe in particular. These are “deeply reactionary” forces, according to his vision, which feed the social irritationthe delegitimization of institutions, deny global warming and they are hostile to movements who seek equality feminism.

In this line they founded the request to vote for Sánchez, to give continuity to the reforms and transformations that “have made Spain a world reference in rights, freedoms and prosperity” and to govern at a time of “great transformations in opportunities for the future”. “Not only thinking about the needs of today’s society, but laying the economic, educational, social and environmental foundations for the well-being of future generations,” the text states.

In addition, they highlighted Sánchez’s leadership to achieve a unified response at the European level to the coronavirus pandemic and the unprecedented mobilization of resources to respond “from solidarity and unity”; and they also highlighted his concern about the “real risk of setback” that the arrival of the extreme right would entail in power in terms of minority rights, ecology, the pension system, among other areas.

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The final stretch towards the elections in Spain

According to the latest opinion polls from last Monday, the Popular Party (PP) is on track to win the largest number of seats, but without ensuring a functional parliamentary majority, which would force it to form a coalition government with Voxin what would be the first time that a far-right party has held a share of power in Spain since the end of the dictatorship of General Francisco Franco in 1975.

However, in the final stretch of the campaign, the PP had to deal with a file against its leader Alberto Núñez Feijoo regarding his ties to drug trafficker Marcial Dorado in the 1990s when the Moncloa Palace contender was a senior official in the Galician regional government.

The candidate of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijoo.

“I see that the Popular Party is running out of steam while the Socialists are coming back”President Sánchez told public television this Friday morning.

For his part, the leader of the PSOE and his government alliance with United We Can They are risking their survival after years of divisions embodied in the electoral beating that the ruling party received in the municipal and regional elections at the end of May and that forced Sánchez to advance the general elections.

International support from the left for Pedro Sánchez

In addition to the European and Latin American heads of state and government, other world political leaders signed the manifesto in favor of Pedro Sánchez. They include former prime ministers of Luxembourg, Slovenia, Belgium, Italy, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Greece, and among them Stefan Löfven, who is also the president of the European Socialist Party. Others who supported Sánchez are the president of the European Commission between 1985 and 1995, Jacques Delorsand the mayoress of Paris, Anne Hidalgo.

On the other side of the Atlantic, the Argentine Secretary of Climate Change, Cecilia Nicolini, the Colombian Ernesto Samper; and the former president of Chile, Michelle Bachelet. As well as the senator of Chile and vice-president of the Socialist International, Isabel Allende, and the Nicaraguan writer, Cervantes Award 2018, Sergio Ramirez


#Elections #Spain #twenty #leaders #supported #Pedro #Sánchez

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