Achern / Oberkirch Large companies helped New refrigerated vehicle for the table in Achern thanks to donations from the Ortenau news

by time news

2023-07-22 04:17:42

Donations make it possible for the Acherner Tafel to continue to be able to offer chilled goods to customers in need. Lidl customers have played their part. The previous vehicle was 31 years old.

Thanks to the support of Mercedes-Benz AG, the Lidl deposit donation, the Achern community foundation and donations from many organisations, companies and private individuals, the Achern food bank was able to purchase a new refrigerated vehicle.

“I think the sight of our 31-year-old oldie convinced everyone of the need for this investment. Especially since the cooling no longer worked,” said Nicole Koller, head of the Achern food bank, who was very grateful for the donation.

880 customers

Not all people have their daily bread. Currently, 880 needy customers can shop cheaply at the Tafel once a week on two opening days. According to the press release, the food bank with its 75 volunteers is trying to compensate for the needy. In order for this to succeed, the food donations have to be picked up four days a week from bakeries and markets – also chilled.

Not only the food bank in Achern is facing major challenges. The outbreak of war in the Ukraine and the extreme increase in food and energy costs have meant that more and more people seeking help are dependent on the Tafel.

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For the financing, Mercedes-Benz covered the acquisition costs up to half of the list price. Furthermore, the Achern food bank had applied for funding from the Lidl deposit donation from Tafel Germany and was now supported with 15,000 euros, as it is also said. The Achern community foundation also contributed the proud sum of 5000 euros to the financing.

“With the new refrigerated vehicle, we are able to continue to optimally guarantee the transport of our refrigerated goods,” says Kai Möschle, board member of the Caritas Association Acher-Renchtal.

To a large extent

With the deposit donation, the Tafel are financially supported beyond the classic food donation. “The fact that our customers support this to such a large extent is a great confirmation of our cooperation,” explains Tamara Happle, representative for employees and social affairs at the Lidl regional company in Freiburg.

When returning empties, customers can decide at the push of a button whether they want to donate an amount to the Tafel.

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