Plague, Operation and Change of Government: 2021 sums up in pictures

by time news

The year 2021, which came to an end today (Friday), was undoubtedly unusual. What actually did not happen that year? In the last 365 days we have experienced good and happy events, alongside disasters that shook us all. In honor of the transition to 2022, we decided to stop and summarize the past year through photos. “Israel Today” presents you with a dozen of the great and unusual moments – one every month – and invites you to remember the stories that made the year.

January: My first vaccine

Although the event that opens this series of photos took place on December 19, 2020, it can be said that it accompanied us throughout 2021. On that day, former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu received the first vaccine dose to the corona. “A small shot per person, a huge step for the health of us all.” , He said at the same time.At that time there was the opening shot of an operation aimed at strengthening the protection against the virus, and which actually continues to this day – in the face of new strains of the disease.

Netanyahu gets vaccinated, Photo: Amos Ben Gershom, GPO

February: Everything is black

Millions of damages, dead animals and a severely damaged environment: The tar pollution disaster was one of the greatest ecological tragedies Israel has experienced. The thick, viscous liquid covered the beaches within days. The long-term consequences are still too early to know. Many enlisted in the cleansing efforts on a heartwarming volunteer basis.

Shikmona Beach in Haifa, Photo: Hertzi Shapira

March: At the polls again

Israelis reached the fourth round of elections in less than two years with less energy than in previous campaigns, as evidenced by the significant drop in the turnout. As is well known, the total cost of Election Day for the Israeli economy is enormous and is estimated at billions, so we hope that we will not (again) have to face another tedious election campaign in the near future.

2021 elections, Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

April: But national

Forty-five men and children were crushed to death in the revelry of Rabbi Shimon Bar-Yohai that horrible night on April 30. The thought of what happened there and the life that was cut short is a heavy burden that will remain with us, engraved in immense pain.

After the disaster, Photo: Reuters

May: Riots 5719

Israel lost control of what was happening inside it in May 2021. During Operation The Wall Guard, the area was buzzing from within like it had never been before, and hatred led to unimaginable violence. This bubbling ground is just one of many expressions of the rift and separation of Israeli society – and the nightmare scenario that is coming true before our eyes.

Riots, Photo: Without credit

June: Mr. Prime Minister

Naftali Bennett, 49, made history when he was sworn in as Israeli prime minister on June 13. “I believe we will do and succeed,” he told Israel Today ahead of the change of government. “This will be a government that will work for the entire Israeli public,” he declared at the time.

Bennett-Lapid Government, Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

July: Long live, long live, long live

Shortly after taking over as Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, 61-year-old Yitzhak Herzog was elected president – thus becoming the second president of Herzog. On July 7, he declared allegiance to the Knesset, in an exciting position in which he ended his term as Reuven (Ruby) Rivlin.

The 11th President, Photo: Saria Diamant

August: One Olympics, three medals

It was Israel’s most successful Olympics ever, with four medals: gold for Artium Dolgofiat and Linoy Ashram, and bronze for Avishag Samberg and the Israeli judo team. These great athletes, most of whom were fairly anonymous, have gained the fame they so desperately deserve – and at the same time the recognition of years of work under complex conditions.

Artium’s big moment, Photo: Reuters
The great moment of Avishag, Photo: AP
Linoy’s big moment (center), Photo: Reuters

September: The Escape – and the Storm

On September 6, six security prisoners managed to escape from Gilboa Prison and acted as free men, until nerve-wracking days were found. What no doubt sounds absurd, as if a customer from a movie – did happen.

Outside the prison gates, Photo: AFP

October: When the Pandora’s box opens

It is doubtful whether any of the suspects involved in the murder of Nissim Sheetrit and Avi Edri thought that the cases would be solved, after so many years. One of them, Avraham Rubinstein, even managed to become mayor of Bnei Brak. Another character in the affair is Eliezer Berland, who was not charged with murder due to legal complexity.

Berland. Was not charged with murder, Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

November: More protected

After the adults were vaccinated, it was the children’s turn, after endless isolation and testing. This is after an adapted version of the vaccine was developed which is intended for younger ages. Unfortunately, the operation is still faltering and Israel has not yet reached the goal of vaccinating half of its children.

They also give a shoulder, Photo: Without credit

December: Back to Fabia

The legal saga surrounding the custody of the survivor of the cable car disaster, 6-year-old Eitan Biran, came to an end when the “child of the quarrel” was returned to Italy. It remains only to hope that after the decision in his case he will be able to live a life of light and joy, despite the tragedy that claimed the lives of his family members.

Eitan Biran, Photo: Courtesy of the family

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