Astronomers Discover Cosmic ‘Unicorn’: Rare Trojan Planet System

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Astronomers Discover Rare Cosmic “Unicorn” in Distant Star System

Weird Science

Scientists have long speculated about the existence of “Trojan planets,” a rare phenomenon where two planets share the same orbit around a star. Until now, no evidence of such a system had been found in the vastness of space. However, astronomers have recently stumbled upon a star system located 370 light-years away from Earth that appears to exhibit strong indications of a Trojan planet system, marking a groundbreaking discovery in the field.

The findings were published in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics by a team of astronomers who observed the young star PDS 70 in the Centaurus constellation. Their observations revealed the presence of a massive gas exoplanet named PDS 70b, which is three times the size of Jupiter. Interestingly, the study also identified a cloud of debris in the same orbital path as PDS 70b.

Researchers believe that this cloud of dust could either be the material from a new planet in the process of forming or the remnants of a planet that was torn apart. This discovery challenges previous assumptions and sheds light on the enigmatic nature of Trojan planets.

Jorge Lillo-Box, a researcher at the Centre for Astrobiology in Madrid and one of the co-authors of the study, likened the existence of Trojan planets to unicorns, stating, “they are allowed to exist by theory but no one has ever detected them.”

Rare Discovery Expands Understanding of Exoplanets

Trojan bodies, which are rocky asteroids sharing the same orbit as planets, are relatively common in our own Solar System. However, the possibility of two planets occupying the same orbit around a star has long been a subject of speculation.

In order to search for Trojan planets, researchers used data from Chile’s Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) of radio telescopes to investigate the PDS 70 system. Their analysis of planet PDS 70b unveiled the presence of a dust cloud that aligns with the hypothetical position of a Trojan planet, according to CNN. This dust cloud is estimated to have a mass twice that of our Moon.

To confirm their findings, astronomers will need to wait until 2026 to observe how far the potential Trojan planet system has orbited around its star. If their suspicions are confirmed, this system will provide crucial insights into the formation and existence of Trojan exoplanets.

This groundbreaking discovery once again demonstrates that the universe is full of surprises and constantly challenges our understanding of cosmic phenomena.

More on exoplanets: Scientist Releases Amazing Video Of Exoplanets Orbiting Distant Star

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