Coronavirus live ticker: +++ 02:19 Minister Spiegel calls for special protection for the very elderly +++ in the case of triage decision

by time news

+++ 02:19 Minister Spiegel calls for special protection for very old people in the case of triage decision +++

After the triage decision of the Federal Constitutional Court, Federal Seniors Minister Anne Spiegel is calling for special legal protection for the very old. “The state and we all as a society have a duty to protect the weakest among us in particular,” said the Green politician in the newspapers of the Funke media group. The decision of the Federal Constitutional Court contributes to legal security for all involved, so Spiegel. “Of course we hope that the protective measures and contact reductions that have been taken will prevent such triage situations from occurring in Germany. Nevertheless, we have to take precautions.”

+++ 01:04 police: crowd at the Brandenburg Gate dissolves +++
According to the Berlin police, the crowd that had meanwhile gathered at the Brandenburg Gate on New Year’s Eve is dissolving again. Police spokesman Thilo Cablitz says that “several thousand” people have now spread out under the linden trees. Officials have asked people to leave the area. There are now only a few hundred people there. As suspected, many of them would have wanted to celebrate the turn of the year at the Brandenburg Gate, says Cablitz.

+++ 00:06 Berlin police: More and more people near the Brandenburg Gate +++
The Berlin police asked people not to make their way to the Brandenburg Gate. “Unter den Linden, not far from the Brandenburg Gate, there are currently more and more people who want to celebrate # Welcome2022,” tweeted the police. “We speak to people and ask them to leave. There will be no fireworks this year and the stage show cannot be seen from here.” In the past, there was often a big party with thousands of people at the Brandenburg Gate. This time the ZDF is broadcasting a TV show from there – due to the pandemic, however, without an audience.

+++ 23:16 Giffey: Firecrackers ban zones in Berlin also beyond the pandemic +++
From the point of view of Berlin’s Governing Mayor Franziska Giffey, firecracking zones contribute to the protection of emergency services. “We also have to talk about pacifying certain areas in the city beyond the corona pandemic by not being allowed to brawl there,” says the SPD politician. The ban on the sale of fireworks and firework ban zones had an effect last year. Compared to earlier New Year’s Eve, when there were “war-like conditions” in some places, a third fewer missions were recorded. Giffey expects it to remain quieter in 2021/22.

+++ 22:01 Head of Laboratory Doctors: Caregivers infected with Omikron could look after Covid patients +++
The chairman of the Professional Association of German Laboratory Doctors, Andreas Bobrowski, calls in view of the threatened load on the critical infrastructure by Omikron to think about whether “Omikron-infected people can look after Covid-infected people in an intensive care unit”. That’s what Bobrowski says in the “Bild” newspaper. According to the report, he is alluding to the so-called work quarantine: The hospital staff who are vaccinated and infected but not sick should continue to work. “Because the Omicron variant is so mild and has so few symptoms, you can certainly make this consideration before the whole system collapses.” Bobrowski is quoted as saying that the difference between sick people and those infected without symptoms must be worked out more and politics must make guidelines accordingly. Of course, those who are actually sick cannot work. But: “A symptomless infected person can be expected to look after other infected people who may be more seriously ill.”

+++ 21:20 Novavax postpones US approval application for vaccine again +++
The biotech company Novavax plans to submit its application for an emergency approval of its vaccine in the USA next month. This postpones the step again: In August it was said that the application would be submitted in the fourth quarter, after the third quarter had originally been targeted.

+++ 20:47 Another negative record in France – Macron is optimistic +++
France reports 232,200 new infections – another record – and thus more than 200,000 new cases per day for the third day in a row. Still, French President Emmanuel Macron calls 2022 the year in which the pandemic will be overcome. “I want to believe in that,” he says at his New Year’s address. However, difficult weeks are ahead of us.

+++ 20:12 Switzerland reduces quarantine for unvaccinated contact persons +++
In Switzerland, the mandatory quarantine for unvaccinated contacts of people infected with corona will be reduced from ten to seven days. The Swiss health authority has issued a letter giving the cantonal authorities the freedom to implement this change. In addition, according to the new instruction, vaccinated and convalescent people must also be in quarantine if their last vaccination or recovery was more than four months ago. The Swiss government, the Federal Council, discussed the Corona situation in a special telephone meeting. In a joint statement, the seven federal councilors describe the situation in the hospitals as “worrying” and the development over the next few days as “uncertain”. But they still wanted to forego “additional measures” “for the time being”.

+++ 19:43 Current data situation in Germany: 38,318 new cases reported – R value again above 1 +++
The number of reported coronavirus infections in Germany has risen to 7,161,620. As can be seen from the information from the state authorities evaluated by, 38,318 new cases were added. Compared to the previous week (Christmas Eve) that is an increase of 20.8 percent. However, holiday effects are likely for both values. The number of deaths related to an infection rose by 316 to 112,022. Around 628,000 people are currently infected.

The infection rate (7-day R-value) is given by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) as 1.04 (previous day: 0.93). This means that the value has risen above 1.0 for the first time since November 28th. According to the DIVI Intensive Care Register, 3828 Covid 19 patients are currently being treated in intensive care in Germany. That is 86 less than the day before. Of those affected, 2280 are ventilated invasively.

Decreased number of registrations due to public holidays

Falling incidence values ​​at Christmas and New Year do not necessarily reflect the actual infection rate. Fewer infections are recorded during the holidays for a variety of reasons. On the one hand, fewer people go to the doctor in general, only a few practices are open at all, and no testing is carried out in schools and daycare centers during the holidays. On the other hand, laboratories and health authorities sometimes only work to a limited extent. The result: The number of reported cases is falling, the number of unreported cases is increasing, and the view of the corona situation is temporarily blurred.

You can read the previous messages here.


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