The 80 years of lies of Via Rasella

by time news

2023-07-21 18:50:50 – Come back with new revelations the book, released for the first time in ’96, on the attack carried out by the Gap, the patriotic action groups born on the initiative of the Italian Communist Party, on 23 March 1944 in via Rasella and which was followed by the ferocious Nazi retaliation of the Fosse Ardeatine with 335 victims. The first edition in ’96 revealed the death of Piero Zuccheretti, 13 years old, torn apart by the bomb; now the author, the journalist Pierangelo Maurizio, documents how difficult it is to find the place where the “child of Via Rasella” rests, buried in Verano and on whose tomb the name Zuccheretti never appears.

A partisan leader of the Bandiera Rossa, Antonio Chiaretti, also died with him in the attack. “Via Rasella, 80 years of lies” offers new background, insights and unpublished documents. In the light of the 291 files of Professor Attilio Ascarelli, in charge of the exhumation of the martyrs at the Fosse Ardeatine, which remained secret for over 70 years, the very hard clash between the PCI and the Red Flag groups is retraced, exterminated in the Nazi retaliation with Colonel Montezemolo’s Military Front, the Action Party and other minor formations.

The new edition (Maurizio Edizioni, 264 pages) contains documents and photographs of the survivors of the “Bozen” battalion with their stories, the testimony of the last survivor of the Koch Band. In particular, they will discuss the unpublished papers on the alleged collusions between the Communist Party and the fascist or former fascist security apparatuses.

Pierangelo Maurizio recounts that on 20 August 1944 in front of Colonel John Pollock, head of the allied police, the police commissioner Raffaele Alianello revealed how in reality during the German occupation of Rome he would have worked “for the Intelligence Service and the Communist Party”. The document kept in the US archives is published, among other unpublished papers, now in the book “Via Rasella, 80 years of lies”. Alianello was considered a “very fascist” element, a trusted man of Herbert Kappler, the head of the SS in Rome.

During the interrogation, the commissioner reveals that on 24 March, while the lists of prisoners to be sent to die in the Ardeatine were being prepared, he took an interest in “Antonello Trombadori, to whom the Communist Party gave the utmost importance”. Trombadori, the first head of the Gap in Rome, had been arrested in Via Giulia on February 2 in the organization’s weapons and explosives depot. The commissioner explains that he intervened on Kappler “to modify the accusations against Trombadori” thus saving him from the count of death. During the interrogation Pollock asks if “in the list of 50” delivered by the Rome police headquarters to the Nazis “there weren’t any communists (belonging to the PCI, ed.)”. “I don’t think so”, replies Alianello, “there were several members of the Action Party”.

#years #lies #Rasella

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