After the reshuffle, the problem of the majority relative to the Assembly remains unresolved for the executive

by time news

2023-07-23 05:30:05

The period of “hundred days” and the reshuffle did nothing about it: the enlargement of the relative majority in the National Assembly remains an objective not achieved by the executive. Emmanuel Macron’s choice to keep his Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, then to appoint, Thursday, July 20, six Macronist deputies (five Renaissance and a MoDem) out of the eight new entrants to the government signs a “shrinkage” policy of the government team, as denounced by the opposition. No personality from the parliamentary left or right is among the new entrants.

“The fact of keeping Elisabeth Borne in her post is a signal that precisely nothing will change”, had advanced, as of Wednesday, Marine Le Pen, president of the National Rally group at the Palais-Bourbon. The first secretary of the Socialist Party, Olivier Faure, joked to him on Thursday on “a government withdrawn into the last square of the faithful” of the head of state. “The steps of individual poaching from the oppositions have very little political significance vis-à-vis public opinion”retorts the Renaissance deputy for French people living abroad, Marc Ferracci, in order to justify the absence of an opening figure.

To turn the page on the social protest of the pension reform, Mr. Macron had nevertheless given “hundred days” to his head of government for “continue to expand this majority as much as possible”convinced that “political individuals with their convictions (…) are ready to work with the forces of the majority”. “I hope she will succeed”he added during an interview on TF1 and France 2, on March 22.

Consensual texts

But the weeks that followed in the Assembly demonstrated above all the impossibility for the relative majority to forge lasting coalitions, beyond the strategy of the “text by text” advocated by Ms. Borne, with the opposition groups. “If the President of the Republic wanted to work in another way, by forming a coalition with us, “a sacred union” as Laurent Wauquiez says, it is up to him to take the first step. But I don’t think he wants to.”analyzes the deputy Les Républicains (LR) of Orne, Véronique Louwagie.

Read also the decryption: Article reserved for our subscribers For this reshuffle, Emmanuel Macron no longer debauches on the right

The presidential camp refutes any stalemate in Parliament by highlighting the number of 49 texts adopted during the first year of the legislature, including three ” only “ with recourse to article 49 paragraph 3 of the Constitution, which allows the adoption of a law without a vote (the two budgetary texts and the pension reform). “When I hear all the comments that the government can’t pass laws anymore… In the past year, more laws have been passed than six years ago and more [de textes] have resulted in [commissions mixtes paritaires] conclusives », defended the Head of State, Friday, July 21, at the opening of the Council of Ministers.

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