“50°C temperature over half of Europe in the next few days? ESA’s fault” –

by time news

2023-07-18 23:49:09

It’s 50 degrees in the next few days. news known all over the world and so much that it is. deemed the heat wave more. hot ever Both for intensity magenati 50 degrees widespread and for the extension In short France Spain Italy and Greece But the news is really false yes it is false it is the result of a mistake.

The reason, as meteorologist Giuliacci says, is because the indicated temperature was obtained from ESA which released a report from which the alarm started, but the fact is that the detected temperature was measured on the ground, therefore incorrectly (Video)

What’s true? Certainly Giuliacci is a professional expert and more than reliable. However, starting from the ‘open’ data available, the evidence is as follows:

Actually weather forecasting, temperatures can be taken both on the ground and in the atmosphere. Both measurements provide important information for establishing a temperature forecast for the coming days. However, obviously only those on the ground should not be considered as instead seems to have been done.

Even more clearly the predictions are based on two measurements:

Ground-level measurements: Ground-based weather stations are located in various locations and measure temperatures at ground level. These measurements provide detailed data on local conditions and are used to determine the temperatures present in a specific area. Station observers may use thermometers, thermistors, or other equipment to record temperatures.

Measurements in the atmosphere: To obtain a more complete picture of weather conditions and temperatures at different altitudes, various instruments are used, such as weather balloons, aircraft and satellites. Weather balloons are aerostatic devices that are released into the atmosphere and carry temperature, humidity and pressure sensors. They record data along their ascent through different altitudes. In addition, research aircraft and satellites equipped with remote sensors can provide information on temperature trends in different parts of the atmosphere.

Procedure for establishing a temperature forecast:

Data Collection: Networks of ground weather stations, weather balloons, aircraft and satellites constantly record data on atmospheric conditions, including temperatures.

Data Analysis: Meteorological experts collect and analyze data from various sources to understand the current condition of the atmosphere and identify evolving climate patterns.

Use of weather models: The data collected is fed into weather models, which are complex computer programs that simulate the behavior of the atmosphere. These models take into account a wide range of variables, such as pressure, humidity, wind speed and direction, and of course temperatures.

Short-term and long-term forecasts: Based on the information provided by the models, experts can produce short-term weather forecasts (usually within a few days) and long-term forecasts (for longer periods, such as a week or longer).

It is undeniable that in this situation we observe a submission of reason and the scientific method to adapt them to the climate campaign. In this context, there seems to be a willingness to emphasize the increase in temperatures and the increase in natural disasters by attributing them to climate change. This is done to justify a series of political decisions aimed at promoting anthropological changes which, unfortunately, seem to have little consideration for environmental well-being and, therefore, for humanity.

It is sad to note that the Church and other institutions are also actively participating in this game, the latter implementing regulations that seem to repress discernment and free criticism.

#50C #temperature #Europe #days #ESAs #fault

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