Health Risks of the New Pedometer Trend: Doctors Warn of Long-Term Damage

by time news

Title: Doctors Issue Warning About New Trend of Walking 100k Steps in One Day with Pedometers

Subtitle: Health experts urge caution as social media challenge gains popularity

Date: [Date]

Many people enjoy going for walks and hikes as a way to stay active and connect with nature. However, doctors are now warning about a dangerous new trend involving walking excessive amounts of steps in a single day, which can lead to long-term damage to the body.

Sports doctor Lars-Göran Hassel expresses his concern about the growing trend and emphasizes the importance of proper training before attempting such challenges. According to him, walking 100,000 steps in one day without preparing the body beforehand can result in serious injuries that take a considerable amount of time to heal, as reported by SVT.

The trend of attempting to walk 100,000 steps in a day has gained popularity on social media, particularly on platforms like TikTok. Many individuals are now venturing out into nature to take on this challenge, unaware of the potential risks involved.

However, Hassel warns that this challenge is “unnatural” and can cause long-term damage to the body. He mentions that there are several consequences that can affect the heart, lungs, as well as the feet and lower legs. Stress reactions, stress fractures, and periosteal problems are common injuries associated with overexertion.

Overexerting the body through excessive walking or running can also lead to osteoarthritis, causing stiffness and pain in the legs. The first few steps after sitting for a while are often the most painful, but the discomfort may lessen with continued activity, as pointed out by Vårdguiden 1177.

One individual who attempted the challenge, Amanda Hellstedt, shared her experience and revealed that one of her friends had to seek medical attention in the emergency room following the endeavor. Hellstedt expressed her concern about the pain they felt during the journey and the subsequent visit to the hospital.

The medical community urges individuals to exercise caution and prioritize their health when engaging in physical challenges. It is important to remember that excessive strain on the body can lead to severe injuries and long-term damage.

As this trend continues to spread on social media, doctors and healthcare professionals emphasize the need for proper training, gradual increases in physical activity, and listening to one’s body to prevent potential harm. It is crucial to prioritize overall well-being rather than pushing oneself to the extreme for the sake of social media challenges.

Individuals who plan to participate in physical challenges are advised to consult with healthcare professionals and receive proper guidance to ensure their safety and minimize the risk of injury.

Photo Credit: A. Luczka

Article by: The Editors

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