Electric RVs are a long way off

by time news

Wow will motorhomes look like in 2030? Will there still be any new vehicles at all? From today’s perspective and with the current state of the art, these questions are difficult to answer. Because the ambitious climate targets of the EU and other countries could make the registration of recreational vehicles difficult, if not impossible. As early as 2025, for example, new cars with internal combustion engines will no longer be on the roads in Norway; Denmark, Great Britain, Ireland and Sweden will follow in 2030, and five years later the ban will also apply in Germany. In 2040 they are threatened with extinction in France and Spain. Even stricter measures are feared on the Iberian Peninsula. In general, conventionally motorized vehicles should be completely excluded from traffic there.

While it is easier to switch to electrical operation with passenger cars, it looks rather bleak with motorhomes. This summer, Knaus Tabbert presented a study that uses hybrid technology. The battery on board is sufficient for 90 kilometers of purely electric travel, after which an internal combustion engine starts up, which uses a generator to charge the battery. In theory, according to the planning, a distance of around 450 kilometers can be covered without refueling. This is of course not purely electric, it remains to be seen how the hybrid concept is classified by the legislature.


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