He wants to probe “the expectations of the working classes”: Darmanin will return to politics in Tourcoing at the end of August

by time news

2023-07-23 23:48:11

He calls it an “afternoon of reflection”. Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin is preparing a meeting on “the expectations of the working classes” for his return to politics on August 27 in his northern stronghold, Tourcoing, he said in an interview with The voice of the North released Sunday evening.

It will be a question of looking at “people who earn between 800 and 2,000-2,500 euros, this popular and middle class which is looking for a lot and does not necessarily find an answer in the classic government parties, and takes refuge either in abstention or near the National Rally”.

“We talk a lot about the very poor and the very rich, but not enough about the middle classes,” he told the regional daily.

Northerners and parliamentarians

This political meeting, to which he invited “many people from the North but not only”, “friendly parliamentarians, but not only from the majority”, is a first but could become “an annual meeting”, he indicates.

After six years at the Ministry of the Interior, “I am not creating my party, or even a current”, nevertheless assured the ex-LR, a time cited among the contenders for Matignon.

“I find that there is not enough social and popular identity in politics in general. Rather than stay on my sofa and just say that, I decided to get up from my sofa with others, ”explained Gérald Darmanin.

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