The Importance of Taking Care of Your Brain in the Digital Age

by time news

2023-07-23 12:52:19
Title: The Importance of Caring for the Brain in the Digital Age

In our increasingly digital world, where the use of screens dominates our daily lives, it is crucial that we pay attention to the health and wellbeing of our brain. Just as athletes take care of their muscles and joints to excel in their competitions, we must prioritize the maintenance of our brains, as any impairment can have far more severe consequences than a sore muscle or a broken leg.

The brain, unlike most other organs, is intricately connected to every part of our body. Therefore, any disorders in brain function can potentially impact other organs and systems. With the growing focus on the brain’s biological system, which consists of approximately ten billion nerve cells, it becomes even more necessary to understand and nourish this vital organ. Proper fuel, such as glucose and various nutrients, is essential for optimal brain function.

The digital culture places significant strain on the brain, making its care imperative. As a biological system, the brain requires special attention since it sends control impulses to all parts of the body. It serves as the central clock for peripheral bodily functions. When the brain is out of sync, health issues like burnout can arise. For instance, if the adrenal cortex fails to receive the adequate stimulus from the brain to produce the activity hormone cortisol, it can lead to reduced energy and increased inflammation.

While coffee and drugs cannot fully substitute the brain’s control impulses, it is crucial to note that the brain cannot continuously function like a mobile phone or a notebook. Instead, as a biological system, the brain needs regular regeneration and quality sleep, just like any other organ in our body.

The brain operates as an electrical biological system, wherein current flows through it. This energy-intensive process consumes around 20% of the body’s total energy. With billions of interconnected nerve cells that require supply, the brain’s energy consumption is considerable.

Regeneration primarily occurs during sleep, particularly at night. In the first half of the night, metabolic waste is eliminated, aided by the sleep hormone melatonin. The second half of the night is devoted to the formation of fuels, hormones, and messenger substances necessary for the body’s functioning throughout the day. Disruptions to the sleep cycle affect the production of cortisol in the adrenal cortex, leading to decreased productivity, increased fatigue, and potential burnout. Sleep disorders place the most strain on the brain among all organs.

Furthermore, sleep plays a vital role in the development of the brain as a thinking apparatus. Growth hormones released during sleep aid repair, regeneration, and growth while promoting the networking of nerve cells. Memories are strengthened and converted into knowledge, allowing us to access information more effectively. Learning successes achieved at the expense of sleep will ultimately diminish, as knowledge acquisition requires transforming learned information into long-term memory.

In addition to energy suppliers, the brain relies on essential amino acids, signaling substances, vitamins, and proteins for optimal functionality. Essential vitamins like B vitamins, vitamins C and D, are crucial for its effective operation, and deficiencies in these nutrients can increase the risk of psychiatric disorders and signal transmission failure between cells.

The association for the promotion of freedom of expression and young journalists, publicatio, is committed to supporting the education and training of journalists and authors. In their upcoming series, “Health in the Digital World,” they will delve deeper into maintaining and strengthening physical and mental health in the digital age.

In conclusion, with the digital culture exerting strain on our brains, it is crucial to prioritize its care and wellbeing. Understanding the biological system of the brain and providing it with the necessary nutrients, sleep, and rest breaks will ensure optimal functionality and promote overall physical and mental health in the fast-paced digital world.]
#brain #digital #stress

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