Movement in your free time is good. The one done at work no-

by time news
from Elena Meli

Physical activity chosen freely, even at high intensity, is associated with good health outcomes; negative consequences are documented for that in the workplace

Four to five million deaths a year around the world could be avoided if more physical activity was exercised: sedentary lifestyle kills and movement protects against countless diseases, not least cardiovascular ones. A message that was reiterated during the last congress of the Center for the Fight against Heart Attack – Onlus Foundation during which, however, the experts drew attention to a paradox regarding physical exercise.


All current guidelines recommend physical activity in any form, without distinguishing between that carried out during free time, at home or at work; then reality, scientific evidence suggests that there are significant differences between the movement you do “for pleasure” and what you are forced to do by the nature of your jobexplains Francesco Prati, president of the Center Foundation for the Fight against Heart Attack. Physical activity in free time, even at high intensity, is associated with good health results, while for that in the workplace there are documented adverse consequences both for cardiovascular diseases, both for sick leave in general, and for mortality. overall. A paradox that concerns the many for whom work is the main environment in which to carry out physical activity: workers in construction, agriculture, industrial production companies are physically active for most of the day, for most of the year, yet these and other manual workers do not often enjoy good health, indeed.

Negative effects

The negative effect also remains taking into account the socio-economic level, exercise in leisure time and lifestyle in general and perhaps the cause precisely in the fact that few walk for work: Physical work activity often involves repetitive endurance efforts for short periodsof (such as lifting loads or moving objects, ed) and not aerobics, the most suitable for improving physical fitness and cardiovascular health, observes Prati. Static postures or lifting weights do not reduce heart rate or pressure, on the contrary they increase them with negative consequences on the well-being of the heart and vessels; also sAt work, recovery times from exertion are shorter and this leads to a deleterious increase in inflammation levels. Even the conditions in which we move are less controlled, for example nYou do not pay attention to hydration or the climate as is the case when you do sports in your free time.

Compensation exercises

In those who work for work, therefore, it would be necessary to carefully evaluate the type of efforts that are made every day, from creward with good aerobic activity in your free time. Which, especially in those who work so hard from Monday to Friday, can be a relaxing, beneficial daily walk.

January 1, 2022 (change January 1, 2022 | 13:15)

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