Sports A-Z: Five Sports That Burn a Lot of Calories for Staying Fit and Healthy

by time news

2023-07-24 20:38:14
Title: Effective Sports for Burning Calories: A List of Energy Guzzlers

Date: 07/24/2023

Author: Alexander Kaindl

Staying fit and healthy through sport is a goal that many people set themselves. But how do you train most effectively? A list of true energy guzzlers.

Society has seldom placed more value on a healthy lifestyle than in the current times. Nutrition and exercise have become core issues that are becoming more and more relevant. Feeling good about your body is the most important goal of all for many people.

Five sports that burn a lot of calories

It’s just that sometimes it’s not that easy to achieve your personal goals. Maybe also because there is still a lot of catching up to do in terms of sports science? After all, you can do sports every day and still not get any closer to the desired figure because, for example, diet is not in harmony with exercise.

Or is it exactly the other way around – you watch your calorie intake, but still don’t get where you would like to be with your sport? Maybe a list of the sports that burn tons of calories will help. Important to know: The calorie consumption naturally depends on various factors such as weight, intensity, and individual fitness. An hour of sport burns a different number of calories for each person, since the requirements and the execution can be different.

Sports with high calorie consumption: the classics swimming, cycling, and running

To swim: Swimming is a sport that is easy on the joints and uses the entire body. By gliding through the water you burn up to 500 calories an hour. It is also an excellent way to train the entire body and tone muscles. Swimming can help, especially if you have back problems.

Road cycling: This activity is great for burning calories. An hour on the road bike (21 to 24 km/h) can keep you up to 600 calories Get rid of. Road cycling not only improves your endurance but also strengthens your leg muscles. But be careful: The comparatively high speeds can also be dangerous, so never ride without a helmet.

Run: Whether you’re exercising outside in the fresh air or on the treadmill, running is a great way to burn calories. It’s easy, requires no special equipment, and can be done almost anywhere. With intensive running (12 km/h) you can loosen up 700 calories or more per hour lose.

Burn calories quickly: Intense jump rope and boxing are trendy

Jumping rope: Skip the rope like you did when you were a kid, and you’ll be amazed at how effective this simple exercise is. Within an hour, you can jump rope about 700 calories burn. It’s a great cardio activity that will help your balance and coordination at the same time. Another advantage: you hardly need any space, you can do the exercise at home, and the purchase price of a rope should also be kept within limits.

Boxing: Boxing is all the rage! Not only is it a fantastic total body workout, but it’s also a way to relieve stress. During an hour of intensive boxing training, you can burn 800 calories. Hitting sandbags and performing various exercises will help you increase your strength, speed, and endurance.

Sport alone is not enough: nutrition is also important

Combine these sports with a balanced diet for best results. But beware of superfluous products. Before beginning any new exercise program, it is best to consult a subject matter expert or doctor to ensure it is appropriate for your physical condition. (mind)

Machine assistance was used for this article. The article was carefully checked by editor Alexander Kaindl before publication.]
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