What to remember from the interview with Emmanuel Macron on France 2 and TF1

by time news

2023-07-24 15:50:26

What to remember from the interview with Emmanuel Macron

The President of the Republic reviewed, Monday on TF1 and France 2, the subjects which await his government at the end of the summer and drew some lessons from these “hundred days”. Here are the main points of his TV interview.

Government. At the start of the interview, Emmanuel Macron judged that the government was ” effective “ during the “hundred days”defending the maintenance of Elisabeth Borne as Prime Minister, a choice of “continuity and efficiency”, did he declare. “I had set a course, the hundred days. During these hundred days, the government, together with the Parliament, the whole country, has advanced”he continued.

Assembly. Asked about the impossibility of creating, since the legislative elections in June 2022, a political coalition to allow easier adoption of legislative texts, the Head of State notes that“there is no spare majority” in the National Assembly, but “exchange majorities”. Mr. Macron assures us that he “does not believe in coalitions” of government “formal”.

Urban violence. “Order, Order, Order”, this is the first lesson that the President of the Republic says he has learned from the several days of urban violence after the death of young Nahel M. killed by a policeman in Nanterre. ” The second is that our country needs a return of authority at every level, and first in the family,” he continued. He wanted to open “from the end of summer” the ” worksite “ of ” parental authority “. Also, he pointed to the responsibility of social networks, judging that“digital public order” would allow “to prevent overflows”.

Statement by the Director General of the National Police. The head of state refused to comment on the statements of Frédéric Veaux, who supported a police officer placed in pre-trial detention as part of an investigation into police violence. But he recalled that “No one in the Republic was above the law” and says he wants “hear the emotion” police officers “while upholding the rule of law”. Their “legitimacy” tient “because they protect the republican framework and enforce democratically passed laws”he added.

Ecological transition. “We will have to do it twice as fast” than the last five years over the next five years to reduce CO2 emissions and meet climate objectives, said the Head of State, promising to invest, “from next year”, “several billion euros more” in ecology.

Education. The President has pledged that there will be “a teacher in front of each class” in September, thanks to the continued recruitment of contract workers but also to the implementation of the “teacher pact” which allows those who wish to replace their absent colleague for remuneration.

Immigration law. Emmanuel Macron said, on Monday, to have “I hope that the Republican oppositions who want the country to be better protected within its borders, (…)and better integrates those who are there and help the nation to succeed, that in good faith, they help us to build a text “affirmed the President of the Republic. “Afterwards, the Constitution provides paths for the texts and I will have the responsibility that efficiency is there”he added, in an allusion to the possibility for the government to resort to article 49.3 which allows the adoption of a text without a vote.

Purchasing power. The new 10% increase in regulated electricity tariffs on 1 August is a “proportionate decision”explained Mr. Macron, recalling that the “taxpayer pays what the consumer does not pay”. The President of the Republic promised to “continue to accompany in the coming months” households. Finally, he confirmed the decision for a tax cut of 2 billion euros for the middle classes by the end of the five-year term.

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