Hidden cameras, bed bugs, scams… How to prepare your rental stay well and avoid worries?

by time news

2023-07-25 06:07:21

Testimonials of scams, the presence of bed bugs or even hidden cameras in homes are multiplying. franceinfo gives you the reflexes to have when you book accommodation online, in order to ensure that you have a good stay.

The funny feeling of being observed: during the Ascension weekend, at the beginning of May, two vacationers found in their accommodation rented on Airbnb a hidden camera in the bathroom, oriented towards the shower. A traumatic experience for the two women who were on vacation in Dingy-Saint-Clair, near Annecy.

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To avoid this kind of situation, but also other inconveniences, when arriving in a vacation rental or other reserved accommodation, there are however simple gestures and tips. franceinfo gives you these tips collected from experts in order to make the most of your stay.

Check that there are no hidden cameras

It’s anyone’s nightmare: being filmed without their knowledge, in the shower or in bed. Many testimonials from travelers who have discovered hidden cameras in their accommodation are circulating on the Internet, the latest being the example of two vacationers, near Annecy. In reaction to this affair, Airbnb says to itself “dismayed” and ensures to have “opened an investigation and deleted the host’s account as well as the announcement of the platform”. However, it is to know: Airbnb hosts have the right to install cameras. Of course, this is only allowed to monitor “public and common spaces (e.g. a front door or driveway) that are clearly identified”can we read in the conditions of Airbnb.

Also, to avoid this kind of mishap, it is best to make sure, once you arrive in your accommodation, that there are no hidden cameras. Easier said than done ? There are actually several techniques. The first, quoted by Matthieu Audibert, officer of the national gendarmerie: pass the light of the flashlight of your telephone on suspicious devices or objects, where there may be cameras, such as in alarm clocks or fire alarms. The camera lens “will act as a mirror and be visible”as this doctoral student in private law and criminal sciences explains.

Other tricks can allow you to detect a concealed device. “There are cameras that work with infrared”reports Damien Marx, founder of the travel preparation websitestarter.com: “There are applications that detect infrared waves”. Other cameras, work in Wi-Fi: “You can search for nearby Wi-Fi connected devices” in the phone settings, says the expert to franceinfo.

If, unfortunately, you detect a camera in your home, you are strongly advised to file a complaint as soon as possible. As a reminder, in France, according to article 226-1 of the penal codefix, record or transmit the image of a person in a “private place” et “without her consent” is liable to a fine of 45,000 euros and one year’s imprisonment.

Detect the presence of bed bugs

What could be worse than arriving in a rental and discovering that the bed is infested with insects of all kinds, and even more so cumbersome bed bugs? According to a report by ANSES, more than one in ten households is infested with bed bugs in France, so there is no reason for Airbnb rentals to escape it.

Once there, do not delay before checking the places where bed bugs can be found: mattresses, sofas, but also armchairs. They find themselves “in our immediate environment, our places of rest”recalls Jean-Michel Bérenger, entomologist at the IHU Méditerranée Infection in Marseille.

Some Internet users do not hesitate to give advice on the Internet, such as “leave the suitcase in the bathroom, upstairs” to prevent bedbugs from invading your clothes and luggage.

If, after checking, you do find bed bugs in your accommodation, you can try to eradicate them “with a vacuum cleaner or steam cleaner“, explains Jean-Michel Bérenger. “The steam is 100 degrees, so it burns everything. Afterwards, you have to know how to do things in an orderly way. The washing machine at 60 degrees will allow us to clean our sheets. There is also freezing: with -20 degrees, it will kill bedbugs over several days”, advises the entomologist on franceinfo.

Avoid scams

Finally, this may have already happened to you, once at the bottom of the accommodation: the host no longer responds. Or you never find the address indicated on the advertisement. In these cases, what to do? Where to turn? Damien Marx, from the website partir.comfirst of all gives advice to be applied upstream, when booking.

First, check if the price corresponds to market prices: “prices that are too low, especially during the tourist season, it’s almost certain that it’s a scam”. The absence of comments or notices under the ad may also indicate a fake offer. Do not hesitate to check the address of the accommodation on the Internet, “a good way to check if the good really exists“, according to Damien Marx.

Finally, under no circumstances should you agree to use other means of communication than the booking platform, especially for payment, insists Damien Marx. Especially if the lessor asks to pay the full amount, “while normally, we only pay the deposit”.

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If, despite this, you notice a scam when you arrive on site, there are several solutions, starting with contacting the customer service of the booking site. On Airbnb, the cancellation policy guarantees “reimbursement” and “the accommodation does not correspond to what you booked”. Damien Marx specifies, however, that it is necessary to pay attention to the conditions on certain websites: “On Booking.com, when there are advertisements that are placed by individuals, Booking is not responsible and discharges itself completely”.

Finally, there is the “legal protection” guarantee, which allows you to benefit from costs and legal fees if you have a dispute with a third party (travel agency, airline, hotel), indicates the Dmanagement of legal and administrative information. These contracts usually provide for a legal information service.

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