the outline of the Council of Ministers of July 20, 2023 – Information in Guinea and in the world

by time news

2023-07-21 16:51:06

This ???????????????????? July 20, ????????????????, the ordinary council of ministers was held, chaired by ????????????????????????????????, C????lon???????? Mamadi Doumbouya, Head of State, Supreme Head of the Armed Forces.

In the following lines, the Minister Spokesperson of the Government, Mr. Ousmane Gaoual Diallo takes stock of the major topics that were the subject of debate during the meeting.

Here is an excerpt:

“Today’s Council of Ministers focused on several points.

The President of the transition first spoke about two subjects. The main one being the suspension of Guinea’s participation in the sub-regional organization of the OMVS. A decision which is linked first of all to the absence of serious mobilization of the financing necessary for the construction of the Koukoutamba dam and then to the fact that we believe that our country is not sufficiently represented both in the staff and in the governing bodies of an organization whose heart of activity is in our country.

The third point that led to this decision is also the absence and refusal to open up the capital of OMVS companies to our country. We cannot subscribe to shares and since we are not shareholders in these companies, we cannot influence the countries in which they will invest.

So we feel that all these are not fair and that the organization does not meet our needs.

The decision of the President of the Republic was to say these:

-he instructed the Prime Minister and the Minister of Energy to think about resizing the dam in accordance with the needs of Guinea. And the dam is declared of public utility. In this case, he instructed the Prime Minister and the Minister of Energy to seek sources of financing so that we could carry out the project ourselves to meet Guinea’s exclusive expectations. This simply means that the old sizing on behalf of the OMVS should be abandoned and the dam will be sized for Guinea’s needs.

– Then the Prime Minister addressed several points. The first is around the travel of the ministers and then the evaluation of the members of the Government and the arrival in our country of the Vice-President of the World Bank…”.

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