The rebirth of basketball in Treviso after Benetton: a case history

by time news

Treviso, between passion for sport and entrepreneurship

The players of the Nutribullet Treviso Basket they are transformed into photo models for a charity calendar. The initiative, with the patronage of the Municipality, aims to raise funds for the IOV – Veneto Oncology Institute, in support of the humanization of care for patients of the institute’s pediatric radiotherapy. With a very low cost (10 euros for the table version and 15 for the wall version), the project created by Studio Perazza pursues a very noble goal: to support children who are fighting against cancer.

Basketball in Treviso: there is life after Benettons

Determination to fight against adversity and attention to the social context are two of the pillars on which the new cycle of Treviso is being built, a sort of Phoenix reborn from the ashes. Just ten years ago, its glorious history of both national and European championships and cups came to an abrupt halt following the decision of the Benetton family to abandon Serie A, to devote himself only to youth activities. Italian basketball has therefore lost one of its historical protagonists and imagining its comeback seemed utopian as it would be today to think in Milan without Giorgio Armani at the top. Still, it happened.

From the field to the desk: the engine of the relaunch

The engine of Treviso’s rebirth was the passion and love of some of its great exes, starting with Riccardo Pittis e Claudio Coldebella, who promoted a popular shareholding with the fans at the center of the project. The Universo Treviso Consortium, driven by Paolo Vazzoler, another former green-and-white player, in the role of president. Restarted from the minor leagues, with the support of the De ‘Longhi Group as main sponsor, theUniVerso Treviso Basket in 2019 he won the Serie A2 Italian Cup and then the longed-for return to the top flight, where he is currently playing his third consecutive season.

The projects of the new president Paladin

What are the prospects for Treviso today? “Milan, Bologna and Venice today have unapproachable budgets. We must structure ourselves more and more and be aware that we must never take the longest step “, to speak is Piergiorgio Paladin, exactly one month ago president of UniVerso Treviso, as well as founder of idealeurope, the integrated communication agency that was among the first companies to join the Treviso Basket project and the Consortium. It was he, as a good communicator, who invented the name “UniVerso”, to represent a reality that today brings together 147 companies. “Champions of entrepreneurship” Paladin defines them, saying that he is understandably proud to represent both the productive fabric of his territory and the team of his heart: even before joining the club, he was a regular presence at Palaverde and, several years earlier, he had been press officer of Treviso football , testifying how passion and professional competence represent a winning mix.

The goal is to grow, even outside of Treviso

For the next two years, which correspond to his mandate, Paladin traces a precise path, made up of continuity and consolidation: “UniVerso Treviso is a splendid widespread reality, which mixes the sense of belonging to Treviso Basket with the pride of being an economic entity with great potential. Now is the time to explode these potentials by giving the Consortium a structure, optimizing existing relationships, telling it even outside the Treviso borders. We have a great responsibility: thanks to everyone’s contribution we were able to rekindle the passion for basketball in Treviso, we must not stop here but continue to contribute decisively, guaranteeing solidity to the sports club and working to bring the sold out back to the Palaverde”.

Sport and business: when the team wins

Team up it’s a lesson for everyone, not just in sports. The rebirth of Treviso is in fact an interesting case-history of courage and resilience that can be of great teaching for the small and medium-sized enterprises that represent the backbone of the Italian economy and that in the last two years have been overwhelmed by the Covid tsunami. -19. Not surprisingly, the management team draws heavily from entrepreneurship. The vice president is Carlo Zanatta, CEO of Impa, a company that produces plastics, as well as a historical partner of the Consortium and a great basketball fan. He has joined the Board of Directors Walter Bertin of Labomar, which was responsible for projects related to sustainability, while Valter De Bortoli has the one in financial control, Roberto Rizzo to the development of the youth sector (a confirmation), Oscar Marchetto innovation and the other new-entry Luca Chiggiato (by Chiggiato Trasporti) to the social impact of the activities. Starting, in fact, from the Perazza calendar, which represents a valuable piece in the puzzle in the not obvious rebirth of basketball in Treviso.

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