The PP demands that Feijóo lead the opposition and end Vox to regroup the right | General elections 23J | Spain

by time news

2023-07-28 06:12:35

The PP does not seem to have any doubts at this moment and demands its president, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, to present his candidacy for the investiture to the King even if it is going to be unsuccessful due to lack of support and then endure the entire legislature as leader of the opposition if he ends prospering the alternative of the current president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez. The debate on any other option than the continuity of Feijóo now does not want to be raised or opened. Neither the territorial barons with command in the square nor the members of his team, who also risk his continuity, are considering it. In the leader’s environment they believe that Feijóo should continue as head of the opposition “because he has won the elections, because the future and the duration of the legislature have yet to be written and because he has to establish a strategy to end Vox and regroup the entire right”.

“The first thing that Feijóo has to do, today, is stop and think,” stresses one of the most trusted people of the popular leader. “And rest a bit, both from a family, personal and political point of view, to see how he wants his life in Madrid to be in the coming years and to articulate a strategy that can only happen by entering the voting grounds of Vox, those three million, eat them, and regroup the entire center-right in the PP as Aznar and Rajoy did in their day”.

A regional president of the PP who admits to knowing Feijóo’s intentions to continue adds: “He is a political animal, he has united the party, nobody coughs on him, he has not been a deputy, he has not tried that opposition work, and the legislature that is coming It will be short, more intense and complex, without the economic flexibility that Europe has allowed and with more disloyalties from Sánchez’s partners ”.

To the question of whether Feijóo will hold out for the entire legislature as opposition leader if Sánchez is sworn in, the answer from territorial barons and numerous members of his team is yes, without nuances, and they resort to the argument that he has won the elections as he had promised. (He said that he would leave if he lost) and they point to his favor that he demonstrated in the face-to-face debate of the campaign that he can fight Sánchez parliamentarily and dialectically. Some people in charge of the PP also point out that the duration of this hypothetical legislature of Sánchez with partners such as Carles Puigdemont, ERC or EH Bildu cannot be predicted or guaranteed, that on the way there are planned elections in Catalonia and the Basque Country, and they assure that In these appointments, the collapse of Vox will be verified, as happened in the past to UPyD or Ciudadanos.

One of the national leaders of the PP that Feijóo respects the most and with whom he has exchanged many opinions in this year and a half that he has been in Madrid abounds in the idea of ​​rethinking the strategy to follow: “He must start to devise how to go from what already it has what it lacks”. In the new plan to be designed is the type of relationship with Vox, where there is a debate between the ideas that the moderate Juan Manuel Moreno has in Andalusia and the tougher positions of some leaders of the PP in Madrid close to Isabel Díaz Ayuso and who would be represented along the line that wields a more combative position against Sánchez de Esperanza Aguirre. In the political vicinity of Moreno and Ayuso, it is also confirmed that for them this is not their moment: out of loyalty and opportunity.

In an appearance this Wednesday, in which he publicly cleared up doubts about whether he would challenge Feijóo for leadership, Ayuso reiterated his support and added: “You have to talk about unions and be a strong alternative. When the PP is united and its electoral base is united, Spain does much better”. Both Ayuso and the general secretary, Cuca Gamarra, this Thursday, have highlighted “the strength” that Feijóo has thanks to “the mandate of the polls” on Sunday and the push of the 12 communities governed by the PP after May 28 , added to the mayors of large municipalities and the power of various Provincial Councils.

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What nobody disputes, neither in public nor in private in the PP, is that Feijóo has the duty and the obligation to present his candidacy to the King to be invested, whatever happens in this vote. A senior official from previous stages of the PP did point out that Feijóo for the following general elections, in theory within four years, will already be 66 years old and it will be difficult for him to be there “because he cannot stand not being in charge, because it is what he is used to ”.

round of consultations

In the PP they have been stressing the message for several days that Feijóo should be the first candidate that King Felipe VI will have to call in his round of consultations to directly check if he has a sufficient majority to go to a vote and in case of that it is not like that, then, he would have to sound out the socialist candidate. This prerogative of the monarch is generating a lot of concern in the ranks of the PP in the last hours to the point that Gamarra has highlighted it in various statements. The number two of the PP defends that Feijóo would have to govern for having won and for taking such a difference in votes and seats from Sánchez and raises that distance to 47 seats by putting in it the 14 deputies that the PP takes from the PSOE in Congress , but also the senators, who do not vote for this investiture.

The now popular deputy Rafael Hernando, abounded in that same tribulation as Gamarra: “It would be good if the Sanchista left stopped rudely pressuring the King. It will be his SSMM who will make the pertinent consultations. Until now, he always proposed the candidate of the party with the most votes in first place, even when he knew that he would not have a majority ”. An allusion to what happened to Mariano Rajoy in 2016, when he ended up declining that responsibility.

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