Former Deputy Chief of Staff Uzi Dayan Addresses Reservists’ Calls for Non-Reporting in Light of Legal Reform

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General (res.) Uzi Dayanthe former Deputy Chief of Staff, spoke today (Friday) with Aryeh Eldad on 103fm and addressed the repeated calls among the reservists not to report for duty. This, in the shadow of the legal reform that the government is leading these days.

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“Do you see a difference between a notice of non-volunteering and refusal of service?”, Eldad wondered at the beginning of the conversation, and Dayan replied: “Practically no. First of all, there is a misunderstanding about volunteering. I repeat the law in its entirety – whoever is released from regular service is required according to the law Serve until the age of 40 if not an officer, if he is an officer then until the age of 45. So refusal is illegal. Of course, someone who is 50 years old and does not want to volunteer cannot be forced.”

He also clarified that “the one who announces this about himself should be clear, should invite him for a conversation, if there is no one to talk to, thank him for the time he did have and send him home, but for good. If you are not trained and cannot be trusted then I as a commander do not trust You have to and don’t want you, and your friends won’t trust you either. Whoever refuses an order, call, etc., it doesn’t matter if he once volunteered, whoever refuses should be summoned to a disciplinary trial. I would be careful not to make a show trial out of it, like distinguishing Azaria’s trial, and summon him For a conversation and a trial with the commander of the division, the base, the wing, at about this level, and treat him with justice. It should be kept in this proportion.”

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Also, when asked whether if there are thousands who announce the end of their volunteering or service, that means the IDF is incompetent, Dayan emphasized: “It’s something that takes time and you need to see exactly the data. Let’s take pilots for example, pilots it depends on their role, the air force today even in major operations had pilots who were abroad in cooperation, in training. In a war of more than a month, on more than two fronts, these are things that can have an impact. Secondly, the question is where exactly, because There are things that are more disturbing and there are things that are less. Specifically the fighting formation, on Yom Kippur half of the dead were armorers and a quarter of the fallen were officers.”

The protest against the legal reform (photo: the protest of the reservists Brothers to Arms)

“We won all the wars with those who came and not with those who did not come, there were dodgers already in the War of Liberation. I had friends who fell on the six days and Yom Kippur, whose parents did not serve in the army. We win with whoever comes. This move of refusal which is illegal and unethical, Nor is it logical, he will speed up one thing – the exchange of the serving elite. This is on the one hand very reassuring, on the other hand I would not want an army whose profile is too much of a part of society,” he said in conclusion.

Assisted in the preparation of the article: Shani Romano 103fm

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