NASA will publish its final report on UFOs in August

by time news

2023-07-28 14:19:24

Six months ago, the US space agency NASA created the first independent scientific panel to study UFOs (that is, those unidentified aerial objects whose origin remains a mystery). After months of detailed studies, at the end of May this group of experts made the first public appearance to discuss their preliminary findings on the issue. Now, as announced by the agency administrator, Bill Nelsonthe experts are in the final phase of deliberations and prepare for publish the final report in August.

NASA administrator Bill Nelson says the report will be released “next month” although he has not specified an exact date.

During the first public meeting of this commission, made up of 16 independent experts from different disciplines, the need to create a new roadmap for the study of these phenomena. “We have to end the stigma, improve data collection and use all available scientific tools to study these phenomena,” said the spokespersons for this panel during a hearing held on May 31. “We need to separate speculation from fact the evidence of fiction”, commented then the astrophysicist David Spergel, one of the scientists who has led this panel.

According to the panelists, in this new “road map” for the study of UFOs Recommendations will be included, such as improving the collection of high-quality images of these sightings (“recordings from mobile phones are of very limited value due to the resolution of the cameras,” the report warns), use both Earth observation satellites and state-of-the-art scientific instruments to improve data collection, review the cases so far archived and create international alliances with other institutions to advance in the study of these phenomena.

anomalous sightings

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In the last 30 years, according to Pentagon data, about 800 sightings have been detected of unidentified flying objects around the world. In most cases, these objects have been detected at the height of the planes. As Sean Kirkpatrick, a Pentagon spokesman, explained, in the vast majority of cases a convincing explanation for these events has been found (including natural atmospheric phenomena or detection of military technology). There are only between 2 and 5% of the cases that are still classified as “anomalous” and of which, today, we cannot attest to the origin.

One of the main problems that experts have warned about is the lack of reliable data to understand these phenomena. Especially since, until now, the vast majority of sightings have been reported in isolation, with different parameters and without much data to corroborate the stories. “Much of the data we have on UFO sightings is incomplete, inconsistent or with little documentation. We need to improve the collection of information to be able to carry out quality scientific research and understand what it is about,” explained the scientist Federica Whiteone of the members of this research project, during the appearance in May.

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