Alberto Garzón demands a Sumar with more autonomy and that accentuates the differences with the PSOE

by time news

2023-07-28 08:00:00

A Sumar that further accentuates the differences with the PSOE and that reinforces its political autonomy. This is the thesis defended by the federal coordinator of Izquierda Unida, Alberto Garzón, for the coalition of parties led by Yolanda Díaz with a view to the next legislature and after a general election in which the PSOE has taken advantage of the bipartisan impulse to eat up electoral ground his left. The IU leader will defend this proposal this Friday afternoon, in the first federal coordinator after 23J in which the party will address the result of the elections.

Garzón believes that it is impossible to make a unanimous assessment of the result of the progressive political space because “satisfaction with it depends on some subjective criteria such as expectations.” The coalition obtained 31 deputies and more than 3 million votes, a setback in relation to what was obtained by Unidas Podemos and the rest of the parties that make up Sumar four years ago, but an improvement compared to the coup suffered by the left on 28M. “We continue to be determinants and top-level protagonists no matter what happens in our country. For this very reason, qualitatively it is a good result ”, defends the IU leader in the draft of the political report that he will present this afternoon, to which has had access.

Part of the retreat of the space to the left of the PSOE occurs precisely at the cost of the concentration of the vote around the Socialists, who have added a million votes since 2019. The same occurs in the spectrum of the right: “The bipartisan trend is logical in scenarios of consolidated bibloquism: when there is a technical draw and it is a question of winning over the enemies, a part of the electorate opts for the best placed option for said purpose”.

For this reason, the IU leader understands that one of the challenges facing the future for the political space articulated around Sumar is to “reinforce the autonomy of the political space” and promote “differentiating elements” with respect to the PSOE. “What positive events can only occur in our country thanks to Sumar? This question should guide our political action in general and, hopefully, the action of the next coalition government in particular”, says Garzón.

The federal coordinator is committed to the IU working for the reissue of the progressive coalition government and for this new executive to strategically support itself again in the plurinational bloc. But he sees something more necessary: ​​“Our country needs far-reaching democratizing reforms to be undertaken without delay. If we have seen anything during the campaign, it is that the right wing has a privileged relationship with the economic, media and judicial powers”. The Government, he believes, must transfer the result of the polls to the construction of a new “correlation of forces within the State.” “We have saved an electoral dispute that seemed impossible, now we must transform the historic mobilization of progressive citizens into deep and ambitious advances,” he defends.

#Alberto #Garzón #demands #Sumar #autonomy #accentuates #differences #PSOE

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