“The unvaccinated have a death rate 56 times higher than those with the third dose” – time.news

by time news

The data of the latest update of the Istituto Superiore di Sanit: the death rate in the unvaccinated, in the over 80 group, 56 times higher than in those vaccinated with the third dose

By calculating the rate of hospitalization in the over 80 group in the period between 5 November and 5 December 2021 for the unvaccinated, it is evident that this is about 8 times higher than in vaccinators with a complete cycle of less than 150 days and about 36 times higher than those vaccinated with the third dose.

For admissions in intensive care, in the same bracket and in the same period, the admission rate for unvaccinated people is 10 times higher than for full-cycle vaccinated, and 85 times higher than for those who received the third dose.

And the death rate of the unvaccinated 9 times higher than those who received two doses of the vaccine, e 56 times higher than those who received three doses.

To write it, in its new report, the Higher Institute of Health.

In the report, the Institute shows the tables with the incidences relating to the consequences of the coronavirus infection in the different age groups: the effect of vaccines is repeated in each of them, with peaks such as that relating to rate of admissions to intensive care in the 60-79 year old group, which of 41 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants for the unvaccinated, and 2.1 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants for those vaccinated with two doses (the tables below).

In fact, if it is true that after 150 days from the completion of the vaccination cycle the effectiveness of the vaccine in preventing infection drops from 71.5 to 30.1%, the effectiveness in preventing cases of severe disease remains high.

The report also explains how the weekly incidence at national level has risen to 266 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants compared to 195 in the previous week: unfortunately an old figure, due to the very rapid growth of infections caused by the Omicron variant. However, the incidence increases in all age groups: and the median age of the subjects who have contracted the infection slightly decreases. In the school age population, we read, the incidence remains high, especially in the 6-11 age group, where approximately 50 percent of diagnosed cases are observed in the 0-19 population.

Article being updated …

January 1, 2022 (change January 1, 2022 | 17:50)

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