the map of water restriction measures in France

by time news

2023-07-28 17:30:25

Most French departments are affected by water restrictions, to varying degrees. When the hydrological situation requires it, the prefecture issues an order, more or less restrictive, depending on the seriousness of the situation – the “drought guide” of the Ministry of Ecological Transition provides for four levels of alert:

the vigilance is just about raising awareness. The aim is to encourage users, individuals and professionals alike, to reduce their water consumption; alertrestrictions apply in many areas: reduction of water withdrawals for agricultural purposes (which must then be less than 50% or are prohibited up to three days a week), measures prohibiting the maneuvering of tools hydraulics and valves, restrictions on nautical activities, prohibition at certain times of watering gardens, green spaces, golf courses and car washing;heightened alert accentuates the limitations listed above, up to the total prohibition of certain direct debits; crisis leads to the cessation of “non-priority” withdrawals, including for agricultural purposes. Only samples intended for priority uses are authorised: “health, civil security, drinking water, sanitation”.

Orders may concern surface water (streams, rivers, etc.) and groundwater (groundwater).

The map below was produced with open data from the Ministry of Ecological Transition, aggregated from feedback from departmental State services, which can be consulted on the platform. It is updated according to the decisions taken by the prefectures.

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A large part of France affected by measures restricting the use of water

Areas in which decrees issued by the prefectures apply in the context of drought.

This map is updated according to decisions taken by the prefectures.

Surface water zones and groundwater zones can be superimposed. These data and boundaries are provided for information only. For more information, consult the prefectural decrees.

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#map #water #restriction #measures #France

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