Child-friendly summer, the paediatrician handbook of the Bambino Gesù

by time news

2023-07-28 18:09:55

by Chiara Daina

Expert advice: from the sea to the mountains, how long to wait before swimming, what to do in case of insect or jellyfish stings or during a car trip

The number one rule for parents who go on holiday with a young child is «respect the rhythms of the child and, therefore, do activities that are in harmony with his lifestyle and not vice versa. A concept that is valid at least up to the preschool age because children need daily regularity for their psychophysical well-being». To remind the mothers and fathers with suitcases in hand is Alberto Villani, director of the emergency, acceptance and general pediatrics department of the Bambino Gesù children’s hospital in Rome. Villani contributed together with other experts of the Roman hospital to draw up a handbook (published on the Bambino Gesù website) with a series of tips on how to deal with children sea, mountains, sun, swimming, motion sickness and insect bites.

When to expose children to the sun

The first warning to follow is to avoid direct exposure to the sun in the central hours of the day, when the rays are strongest. «It is preferable never to expose children under 6 months to direct rays and for this reason they should not be taken to the beach at this age, except in the very early hours of the morning and at sunset – explains Villani -. While between 6 months and 2 years it is better to avoid exposure to the sun between 10.30 and 18.30. Sunlight is essential for the production of vitamin D, which favors the absorption of calcium and therefore the mineralization of the bones, but throughout the developmental age, in particular, it is advisable not to sunbathe during the hours in which the it is more intense. Children’s skin – explains the expert – is very delicate and therefore more easily subject to rashes and burns, which represent a risk factor for skin cancer in adulthood”. Never forget to apply sunscreen. «When the complexion is milky white, a very high protection should be used, with spf 50 or more, when it becomes amber, you can switch to a medium protection, with spf 30, until you drop to spf 20 after a few weeks. Before leaving for the sea or the mountains – recommends the pediatrician – it is important that the child has already sunbathed at the right hours so that his skin gradually gets used to the sunlight. In the evening, after a bath, don’t forget to use a moisturizing cream for the whole body».

When to take a bath

The bath is not recommended in the first six months of life. «Infants’ skin is more delicate and thin than that of adults and therefore more susceptible to irritation and infection». The question that all parents ask themselves on every holiday is how long to wait before swimming in the sea or in the pool after eating. «Even immediately if the child has consumed a frugal meal and if the water in which he immerses himself is hot. After a couple of hours if it is colder. In fact, digestion draws blood to the stomach, but if the blood is diverted from the digestive system to warm the body in contact with cold water, there is a risk of congestion – explains Villani -. Another precaution is to rinse the child immediately with fresh water to remove the sea salt or the chlorine from the swimming pool from the skin ».

Clothing and diet

Clothing must also be healthy. «Position natural and breathable fabrics, such as cotton and linen, better in light colors because they absorb less heat from the sun. In fact, children – specifies Villani – are more exposed to heat strokes because they have still immature thermoregulation. Consequently, if it’s very hot, their body is less able to self-regulate body temperature and keep it around 36 degrees.
It is also recommended that the child wear protective sunglasses and a hat.
When temperatures are high, even the little ones must follow a less caloric, more digestible diet rich in fruit and vegetables to prevent dehydration. “We must avoid eating foods that are too fat and dishes that are too seasoned and that they consume carbonated, sugary and cold drinks, which can cause digestive congestion,” says Villani.

At high altitude

Under 3 months of life, the experts point out in the handbook, the pulmonary system is still immature. Therefore it is inadvisable to let the baby reach high altitudes if he lives in the plains. Up to the year of life it is recommended not to exceed 2,000 meters in height and between two and five years to stop at 2,500 meters. «Do not use fast gondola lifts because they cause a “take-off effect” and can create pain and earplugs». When you climb the mountains, if the child is small, it is advisable to make stops to breastfeed him or give him a bottle with a little water: by swallowing he can eliminate the possible disturbance due to the change in pressure. As regards the use of airplanes, the Italian Society of Neonatology points out that there are no contraindications for newborns, but that during the flight “it is advisable to frequently stimulate the baby’s suction, especially during the take-off and landing phases, to prevent changes in pressure from causing discomfort and pain in the ear».

Insect bites

To protect the newborn from insect bites, it is advisable to mount mosquito nets on the crib, on the cot and on the windows. The society of neonatologists invites not to use “devices that release potentially toxic chemicals and repellent sprays to be sprayed on the skin” and to prefer “some products, such as small stickers to be placed near the newborn, based on natural oils such as citronella extracts , eucalyptus and geranium». Older children just after sunset, when mosquitoes are most active “better dress them with long and light scopes, protecting the exposed parts with specific anti-mosquito products” suggests Villani. In the event of a sting, apply a 5% aluminum chloride gel to the wheal.

July 28, 2023 (change July 28, 2023 | 18:09)

#Childfriendly #summer #paediatrician #handbook #Bambino #Gesù

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