“It is too early to speak of a way out of the crisis”, according to the unions

by time news

2023-07-28 16:07:04

He had kept silent in the face of growing anger. For nearly a week, Gérald Darmanin seemed deaf to the wave of protest that is sweeping over the police in France. In Marseilles, then in the surrounding area, sick leave for police officers is increasing, in response to the placement in provisional detention of a police officer indicted for violence against a young waiter, Hedi, who is now heavily injured, on the sidelines of the riots in Marseilles. And the ranks of the police in the second city of France today remain sparse.

In this tense context, this Thursday evening, the Minister of the Interior broke the silence, after having received the trade unions. “Whatever we say, his word was awaited with great interest at the level of the police, underlines Eddy Sid, SGP-Police delegate in Marseille. The chef’s words here are very important. And it was clear and crystal clear. Gérald Darmanin notably showed his support for Frédéric Veaux, himself in agreement with the disgruntled police officers, and said he understood the “anger” of the members of the police.

“Colleagues on sick leave ask to be able to return”

This position did not fail to arouse the concern of senior magistrates. “Once again, the questioning by the Minister of the Interior of the application of the criminal law by the magistrates, evoking a failure to respect the presumption of innocence and therefore the principle of impartiality with regard to police, constitutes a direct criticism of court decisions”, deplore in a press release the national conferences of the heads of courts of appeal.

Will this speech, however, calm the situation at the Bishopric? “We have already had requests from a few colleagues who are positioning themselves and who are ready to return to service, given the support of the Minister of the Interior, reports Eddy Sid. Colleagues on sick leave in Marseille are asking to be able to return. However, this phenomenon remains “minority”, according to this trade unionist. “It is much too early to speak of a crisis exit, warns Eddy Sid. Movement is very important. “According to our information, the number of sick leaves in the Bouches-du-Rhône would be around 800, a figure comparable to previous days.

” The damage is done “

“I don’t know if Gérald Darmanin’s position will calm things down, wonders Rudy Manna, departmental secretary of the Alliance union in the Bouches-du-Rhône. The thing is that no one is angry with the police institution or the Minister of the Interior, as was the case for example in the past against Castaner. And the movement is not led by trade unions. It comes from the base and reflects a much deeper evil, a real malaise. The damage is done. This case is the straw that broke the camel’s back. I have 50-year-old guys on the phone who tell me they don’t feel like taking over. In 2021, there were 2,000 requests for layoffs. In 2022, it doubled: it’s a record figure. And 2023 is going to be apocalyptic. »

“Now, some sites will have to move forward, Eddy Sid understands. The law is made to evolve, and it is up to the legislator to take up the question of the presumption of innocence of the police. Today, the presumption of guilt during police interventions is put forward by certain magistrates. »

And to proclaim: “It is undeniable that the treatment given to our colleague on August 3 can also be a turning point in the current movement. The Aix-en-Provence Court of Appeal will consider that day the request for the release of the imprisoned policeman. A kitty was recently opened in support of the young server victim of an LBD shot on the temple by one of his friends.

#early #speak #crisis #unions

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